Hi Tiago,

>From the current incubator release policy, you need to rename all npm
packages to apache-xxx before releasing. The packages released before
should be on to left intact.

I came across same issue when we release apache fury. In your case, most
packages starts with kie. Fury has similar rules which starts with furyjs.
Rename to apache-xxx has many works to do and breaks the compatibility with
downstreams. So fury just skipped release binary packages for fury

I was wondering whether the incubator release policy remove such name
rules. It does introduce extra work and confusion to podlings. And It's not
idiomatic in npm. Similar confusion exists for Python wheels. In Python,
the naming needs to be consise and be as short as possible. We barely see a
wheel in a organization name wheel as $orgname-xxx.

On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, Tiago Bento <tiagobe...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi general@incubator,
> The distribution guidelines [1] say packages published to NPM should
> be named `apache-<package>`, however, at KIE, we have a somewhat big
> set of packages that are published under these scopes:
> - @kie-tools/*
> - @kie-tools-core/*
> - @kie-tools-scripts/*
> There are also some VS Code Extensions (which can't have a scope):
> - yard-vscode-extension
> - swf-vscode-extension
> - pmml-vscode-extension
> - dmn-vscode-extension
> - bpmn-vscode-extension
> - vscode-extension-kogito-bundle
> - vscode-extension-kie-ba-bundle
> - vscode-extension-dashbuilder-editor
> And a one-off package that is later then transformed into a Maven
> WebJar [2] (which can't have a scope either)
> - sonataflow-deployment-webapp
> Those do not conform with the guidelines, but have been published
> under these scopes/names for quite some time now, before KIE became a
> podling.
> My question is: Are we required to rename everything prior to
> releasing? Or are we able to pass a vote with the current package
> names? Asking because that's a substantial amount of work prior to
> releasing, and also because renaming everything would mean consumers
> would have to manually "migrate" to the new package names.
> Thanks a lot in advance!
> Regards,
> Tiago Bento
> [1] https://incubator.apache.org/guides/distribution.html#npm
> [2] https://www.webjars.org/
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