Carrying over my +1 (binding) from the dev list VOTE thread.
> Am 13.05.2024 um 09:41 schrieb Richard Zowalla <>:
> Hi folks,
> I have posted release candidate for the Apache StormCrawler
> (Incubating) 3.0 release and it is ready for testing.
> This is our first release after joining the ASF incubator as a
> poddling. It is a breaking change with renamings in the group ids and
> the removal of the elasticsearch module.
> Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release, including all of
> our users and the people who submitted bug reports,
> contributed code or documentation enhancements.
> The release was made using the Apache StormCrawler (Incubating) release
> process, documented here:
> Here is the VOTE and VOTE Result on our dev@stormcrawler.a.o list
> -
> -
> Source:
> Tag:
> Maven Repo:
> <repositories>
> <repository>
> <id>stormcrawler-3.0-rc2</id>
> <name>Testing StormCrawler 3.0 release candidate</name>
> <url>
> </url>
> </repository>
> </repositories>
> Preview of website:
> Release notes:
> Reminder: The up-2-date KEYS file for signature verification can be
> found here:
> Please vote on releasing these packages as Apache StormCrawler
> (Incubating) 3.0
> The vote is open for at least the next 72 hours.
> Only votes from IPMC members are binding, but everyone is
> welcome to check the release candidate and vote.
> The vote passes if at least three binding +1 votes are cast.
> Please VOTE
> [+1] go ship it
> [+0] meh, don't care
> [-1] stop, there is a ${showstopper}
> Please include your checklist in your vote:
> Thanks!
> Richard