Hello general@incubator, My name is Tiago Bento (@tiagobento on GitHub), and I’m one of the committers of the KIE project of the incubator.
We’re gearing towards our first release under Apache, and we’re very excited to be approaching this important milestone. Some resources [1] [2] that we found already guided us in the right direction, but still, some questions remain about the release process itself. We understand that in Apache, releases are done from the source code perspective, not the binaries/artifacts’. However, we still don’t understand very clearly how Apache verifies signatures and checksums of the binaries that are eventually published. The KIE project has three main types of consumable artifacts: Maven modules, Container images, and NPM packages; and we also maintain some live web pages like https://sandbox.kie.org, and extensions for Chrome [3] and VS Code [4]. For the release to be voted, we understand we have to provide a .zip file containing the source code along with instructions on how to build it. Once/if approved, our understanding is that the exact same approved source code could be used to build and publish binaries/artifacts of any sort to public registries/repositories. I’m laying out all the information I could gather so someone can correct me if somehow I got the wrong idea of any part of the process. I guess the main question I have at the moment is: Are we able to pass the release vote only with the sources (without any published artifacts) so that once/if approved, we could publish definitive binaries/artifacts to public registries/repositories? This question comes from the fact that we’re not sure how such a “staging” environment could be created for artifacts/binaries that are not Maven modules. We started a thread [5] on Slack several hours ago, but no luck getting definitive answers. I apologize if I’m lacking obvious information, and appreciate any resource or reply that would put us closer to a successful release. Regards, Tiago Bento [1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/ropp09n8m75rl6hlvnmpwcv85oyq5op9 [2] https://www.apache.org/info/verification.html [3] https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/bpmn-dmn-test-scenario-ed/mgkfehibfkdpjkfjbikpchpcfimepckf [4] https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=kie-group.vscode-extension-kie-ba-bundle [5] https://the-asf.slack.com/archives/CBX4TSBQ8/p1715605377484379 --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org