
Following the discussion thread [1], I'd start a vote on the following

1. Establish a consensus to allow and finally converge podling's GitHub repo to
have a name without the incubator- prefix.
2. Allow existing ongoing podlings to ask the INFRA to drop their
incubator- prefix by now, not MUST during the graduation.
3. Update the docs on incubator.apache.org everywhere if the description
can conflict with this consensus.
4. Update the docs on incubator.apache.org to guide how to describe
podling's incubating status on the GitHub repo (namely, including
"incubating" in the repo description and README, point to the DISCLAIMER

[1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/kxvdkrf8g8yr6hww1n08r21xdy67y4ok

+1 allow podling's GitHub repo to have a name without the incubator-
prefix, and other items above
+0 do not care strongly
-1 disagree the proposals above, because ...

Please vote with your ASF ID followed by (binding) if you are a member of
the Incubator PMC or (not binding) if not.

Vote will be open for at least 72 hours.


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