+1 binding with a few suggestions. I checked:
* Download links valid. * Signature and checksum match. * LICENSE, NOTICE and DISCLAIMER are included in both source and binary releases. The content looks good to me. * No binary files in the source release Below are two suggestions: 1. You may evaluate to add a DISCLAIM in the announcement template, which is the same content as DISCLAIMER file in your sources. This is proposed at [1] and may related to your email template in 4.5 at [2]. This is not yet a clear and strong conclusion, so as an IPMC member, I encourage you to give your own feedback on such suggestions. [1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/3fosfz2jv0yhcrzt6mtwbwtxg4vtwxpy [2] https://streampark.apache.org/community/release/how_to_release#4-complete-the-final-publishing-steps 2. You may write a dedicated README.md file for your binary release. It now contains the same content as the main repo's, which is mismatched from the binary release's content. For example, it has: ## 🚀 QuickStart - [Start with Docker](docker/README.md) - [Start with Kubernetes](helm/README.md) which are missing in the binary release. I suppose you should talk about how to use and configure the release artifacts instead. Best, tison. Shaokang Lv <lvshaok...@apache.org> 于2024年4月25日周四 16:01写道: > Hello Incubator Community: > > This is a call for a vote to release Apache StreamPark(Incubating) version > 2.1.4-RC1. > The Apache StreamPark community has voted on and approved a proposal to > release Apache StreamPark(Incubating) version 2.1.4-RC1. > We now kindly request the Incubator PMC members review and vote on this > incubator release. > Apache StreamPark, Make stream processing easier! Easy-to-use streaming > application development framework and operation platform. > > StreamPark community vote thread: > https://lists.apache.org/thread/v4yx0f0xgmr53g795cgn4ppblytqhvqh > > Vote result thread: > https://lists.apache.org/thread/f85yn1j6y6k9fcmc8qvl7ltob706twcs > > The release candidate: > https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/incubator/streampark/2.1.4-RC1/ > > Git tag for the release: > https://github.com/apache/incubator-streampark/releases/tag/v2.1.4-rc1 > > The artifacts signed with PGP key [D38791FF], corresponding to [ > lvshaok...@apache.org], that can be found in keys file: > https://downloads.apache.org/incubator/streampark/KEYS > > The vote will be open for at least 72 hours or until the necessary number > of votes are reached. > > Please vote accordingly: > [ ] +1 approve > [ ] +0 no opinion > [ ] -1 disapprove with the reason > > More detailed checklist please refer: > • > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INCUBATOR/Incubator+Release+Checklist > > Steps to validate the release, Please refer to: > • https://www.apache.org/info/verification.html > • https://streampark.apache.org/community/release/how_to_verify_release > > > How to Build: > > 1) clone source code: > > git clone -b v2.1.4-rc1 g...@github.com:apache/incubator-streampark.git > > 2) build project: > > cd incubator-streampark && sh ./build.sh > > > Thanks, > > On behalf of Apache StreamPark(Incubating) community > > > Best, > Shaokang Lv >