Hi Fanning, Dave

I am tom from hertzbeat community.

Thank you very much for your attention and feedback on hertzbeat.

We have do a PODLINGNAMESEARCH and there are no other projects discovered using 
this name hertzbeat through patent inquiry. 

Regarding the car rental company brand Hertz you mentioned, we think there is a 
clear difference between hertz and hertzbeat. We can find hundreds of 
trademarks containing hertz. Hertz is not only a car rental company brand, but 
also a common noun - the SI unit of frequency

We check hertzbeat has not been registered as a trademark in class 9. The hertz 
trademark has 38 results in class 9, such as hertz, hertzEagle, hertzstuck, 
nuhertz, TeraHertz+ and so on. These trademarks related to Hertz do not 
conflict with each other, so why not hertzbeat? 

For this, we can pay more attention to using the hertzbeat brand as a whole in 
future documents and publicity, distinguish it from hertz, and clearly 
distinguish it in materials such as logos.

We have been using this name for nearly three years, and it is widely known and 
loved by the community and users. We hope to keep this name if possible. Thanks!

Best wishes,

On 2024/03/16 13:22:11 Zhang Yonglun wrote:
> Hi IPMC members,
> I would like to propose a new project to the ASF incubator - HertzBeat.
> HertzBeat[1] is an easy-to-use, open source, real-time monitoring
> system. It features an agentless architecture, high-performance
> clustering, Prometheus compatibility, and powerful custom monitoring
> and status page building capabilities.
> Here is the proposal -
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INCUBATOR/HertzBeatProposal
> I would be the Champion of the project. I will mentor and help the project
> through the incubator with Yu Xiao [xia...@apache.org], Justin Mclean
> (jmcl...@apache.org).
> We are open to hearing the feedback from the incubator.
> [1] https://hertzbeat.dromara.org/
> --
> Zhang Yonglun
> Apache ShenYu & ShardingSphere
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