> On Feb 24, 2024, at 9:35 AM, Dave Fisher <w...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On Feb 23, 2024, at 6:44 PM, tison <wander4...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to create an Incubation Report page for February 2024 at
>> [1], including the following podlings according to the report group
>> info that they should report in this month:
>> * answer
>> * fury
>> * horaedb
>> * streampark
>> But it still lacks information that I need some help:
>> 1. What is the desired timeline and shepherd assignments?
>> 2. Missing IPMC level report. Perhaps the only way is going through
>> the mailing list?
>> 3. Missing other projects need a report. I guess we have a script to
>> list out from the podling.xml file, but I don't find it. I may write
>> it when I have some spare time if there is no one. I don't promise :P
> % svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/public/trunk
> % python3 report_runbook.py
> usage: report_runbook.py [-h] [--apache-id APACHE_ID] --month MONTH
> report_runbook.py: error: the following arguments are required: —mestonth
Since it is just after the February report then we are preparing March.
These steps are needed first to catch up for missed months:
% edit content/podlings.xml if needed
% python3 clutch2.py
% python3 assign_shepherds.py --year=2024 --month=3
% python3 clutch2report.py
% svn add reports/report202403.txt
% svn ci -m ‘Prepare for March 2024 Report'
% cat reports/report202403.txt | pbcopy
Now you can create the wiki page. If you have `pbcopy` then paste that into the
Please note that these runbook steps are not in a precise order.
Read the whole list and proceed logically.
Also, Justin has added some report_*.py scripts that may be shortcuts or
additions to consider.
% python3 report_runbook.py --apache-id wave --month 3
# This doc is meant to be a guide to preparing the incubator
# report for a given month. Each section has a heading, starting
# with mechanical, editorial, or Chair. If you have volunteered
# to perform any of these actions, please pay attention to
# those sections.
# mechanical -- Send report timeline email.
# On the last Wednesday of the month, send an email to
# general@incubator announcing the report timeline, using the
# following content.
March 2024 Incubator report timeline:
Wed March 06 -- Podling reports due by end of day
Sun March 10 -- Shepherd reviews due by end of day
Sun March 10 -- Summary due by end of day
Tue March 12 -- Mentor signoff due by end of day
Wed March 13 -- Report submitted to Board
Wed March 20 -- Board meeting
# mechanical -- Send report reminders email.
# Several times between the end of the prior month and beginning
# of the reporting month, send a reminder email to all reporting
# podlings
# Reminders script (no more marvin tool, follow the prompts)
# editorial -- Create podling summary.
# After the podling reporting deadline has passed, group
# podlings into the following categories (additional categories
# may be added if appropriate):
# * Still getting started at the Incubator
# * Not yet ready to graduate
# * No release
# * Community growth
# * Ready to graduate
# * Did not report, expected next month
# For any podlings that did not report, add a "monthly" attribute
# in podlings.xml. See https://s.apache.org/At0 for a sample commit.
# mechanical -- Assign podlings which do not report to "monthly".
[... edit podlings.xml with your editor of choice ...]
svn ci -m "Assign podlings which did not report to 'monthly'."
# editorial -- Write narrative, misc, legal, infrastructure, etc.
# sections.
# After the podlings are compiled, please add the various sections
# listed above. To do this, visit the incubator mail archives for
# the preceeding month and review any actions performed. Were
# there any code donations? Podlings renamed? Unexpected outages?
# editorial -- Assemble list of releases.
# The Board report must contain a list of releases by the
# Incubator project during the reporting period. This can be
# assembled manually from the history of our dist area.
# The date of each release is the date it appeared in our dist
# area. We provide a list of all releases that entered
# distribution during the previous month.
# History of our dist area during the reporting month.
svn log -v -r {2024-02-01}:{2024-03-01}
# mechanical -- Normalize report formatting
# Normalize the formatting of the podling reports and shepherd
# reviews. Remove any blank entries.
# The report will ultimately be published as part of the Board
# minutes in monospaced plain text. Here's a style guide:
# * Wrap text at 76 characters.
# * Normalize indentation. For all podling reports, questions are
# flush left, answers indented two spaces.
* * No more than one blank line anywhere.
# mechanical -- Send "shepherding" email.
# Once the deadline has passed for the editorial and shepherding
# tasks, a draft of the report should be sent to
# general@incubator for review.
# It is important to send this email in a timely manner so that
# there is an adequate window for review. If the report is
# incomplete, send out the draft anyway.
# Suggested subject:
# Draft Report March 2024 - please review
# Chair -- Deliver report to Board.
# On the day that the report is due to be submitted to the Board,
# no action by the Report Manager is required.
# The IPMC Chair will perform a final review for completeness and
# consistency, mark the wiki page as final, then file the report.
# mechanical -- Prepare next month's report template.
# Prepare next month's wiki report template.
# Edit podlings.xml: remove the "monthly" attribute for podlings
# where it has expired, or add monthly if not reported. Commit any changes.
[... edit podlings.xml with your editor of choice ...]
svn ci -m "Update 'monthly' attributes."
# Assign shepherds.
python3 assign_shepherds.py --month=4
svn ci -m "Assign shepherds."
# Run clutch analysis (version 2)
svn ci -m "Update reporting lists and clutch2.pkl"
# Generate report template
python3 clutch2report.py --month=4
# look in report.txt for the report contents
> Best,
> Dave
>> Best,
>> tison.
>> [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INCUBATOR/February2024
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For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org