Hello everyone,
The Apache Devlake(incubating) 0.19.0-incubating has been released! Apache DevLake is an open-source dev data platform that ingests, analyzes, and visualizes the fragmented data from DevOps tools to distill insights for engineering productivity. Download Links: https://downloads.apache.org/incubator/devlake/ Changelogs: - Add data source dashboard for PagerDuty - Improve the UX of the sync frequency setting - Allow Data Scope search when creating a Blueprint in the user flow - Adding more info to the project list - Collect Bamboo deployments Website: https://devlake.apache.org/ Resources: - Issue: https://github.com/apache/incubator-devlake/issues - Mailing list: d...@devlake.apache.org Best Regards Zikuan An