Hi all, Apache Celeborn(Incubating) community is glad to announce the new release of Apache Celeborn(Incubating) 0.3.2.
Celeborn is dedicated to improving the efficiency and elasticity of different map-reduce engines and provides an elastic, high-efficient service for intermediate data including shuffle data, spilled data, result data, etc. Download Link: https://celeborn.apache.org/download/ GitHub Release Tag: - https://github.com/apache/incubator-celeborn/releases/tag/v0.3.2-incubating Release Notes: - https://celeborn.apache.org/community/release_notes/release_note_0.3.2 Home Page: https://celeborn.apache.org/ Celeborn Resources: - Issue Management: https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/CELEBORN - Mailing List: d...@celeborn.apache.org Regards, Nicholas Jiang On behalf of the Apache Celeborn(incubating) community