> the ownership of the opendal.databend.rs <http://opendal.databend.rs/> domain 
> name?

The OpenDAL (P)PMC cannot control databend.rs. We've communicated with Databend 
and the domain no longer redirects to o.a.o; it has been shut down. The change 
take up to 72 hours to take effect.

It's beyond PMC's authority to prevent anyone from pointing their domain to 
We have already tried our best to address and resolve these issues.

On Fri, Dec 29, 2023, at 12:27, Justin Mclean wrote:
> Hi,
>> As for branding and trademarks, the OpenDAL (P)PMC is actively
>> handling known issues, including Anything referred in...
> I’m not sure they are. What about, for instance, various download pages 
> e.g. [1] and the ownership of the opendal.databend.rs 
> <http://opendal.databend.rs/> domain name?
> IMO, It would be best to delay the vote until after these issues have 
> been resolved.
> Kind Regards,
> Justin
> 1. https://pypi.org/project/opendal/


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