Hi IPMC members, I would like to propose a new project to the ASF incubator - Gluten.
Gluten[1] is a middle layer responsible for offloading Apache Spark SQL queries to native engines. This project aims to address the CPU computational bottleneck to offload SparkSQL operators to native engines in data loading scenarios based on Apache Spark. Here is the proposal - https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INCUBATOR/GlutenProposal I would be the Champion of the project. I will mentor and help the project through the incubator with Yu Li [l...@apache.org], Kent Yao [y...@apache.org] and Wenli Zhang [ovi...@apache.org] . We are open to hearing the feedback from the incubator. Best, Shaofeng Shi. [1] https://oap-project.github.io/gluten/ Best regards, Shaofeng Shi 史少锋 Apache Kylin PMC, Apache Incubator PMC, Email: shaofeng...@apache.org Apache Kylin FAQ: https://kylin.apache.org/docs/gettingstarted/faq.html Join Kylin user mail group: user-subscr...@kylin.apache.org Join Kylin dev mail group: dev-subscr...@kylin.apache.org