Hi All, Thanks to everyone who participated in the vote [1]. The vote is now closed, and it has passed with 13 binding +1, 6 non-binding +1, and no 0 or -1 votes.
+1 binding votes: Jesús Camacho Rodríguez (jcamacho) Jean-Baptiste Onofré (jbonofre) Stamatis Zampetakis (zabetak) Julian Hyde (jhyde) Furkan Kamaci (kamaci) Hitesh Shah (hitesh) Ayush Saxena (ayushsaxena) Ismaël Mejía (iemejia) Jacques Nadeau (jacques) Rakesh Radhakrishnan (rakeshr) Larry McCay (lmccay) PJ Fanning (fanningpj) Carl Steinbach (cws) +1 non-binding votes: Ashvin Agrawal Twice Austin Bennett Xuanwo vin jake roryqi Thanks, Jesús [1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/o95w6ggwjdodjoyb6gwv7vpvl3fvsdvd