Hi PJ,

Unfortunately, I had to vote -1 on the release and there’s no way on earth it 
would pass Justin ;-) …
So, there will be another one.

So I guess we have to check how we can remove the artifacts.


Von: PJ Fanning <fannin...@apache.org>
Datum: Dienstag, 25. Juli 2023 um 11:47
An: general@incubator.apache.org <general@incubator.apache.org>
Betreff: Re: Little "upside" at the Wayang podling
It does seem like a good idea to do a 2 phase release to the Apache Nexus 
Repository. I think a lot of Apache projects use that approach. It means that 
the binary artifacts can be checked during the release voting along side the 
source release. Nexus allows you the drop the artifacts or to release them and 
this can be a good way to handle unsuccessful and successful release votes 

It might make sense to bring the 0.7.0 release to an Incubator vote and if it 
passes then there isn't much harm. The Wayang team have announced this release 
on their dev mailing list but don't appear to have updated their download page 
[1] yet. Could we get them to respond to all the announcement emails to say 
that release vote is not yet complete and to ask people not use this release 
until the vote is finished?

If the Incubator vote fails, I'm not sure but it may be feasible to see if the 
Maven team can remove the 0.7.0 artifacts.

[1] https://wayang.apache.org/download/

On 2023/07/25 09:28:00 Christofer Dutz wrote:
> Hi all,
> yesterday the Wayang podling was following the “release documentation” of a 
> TLP and “forgot” to do the round over the IPMC.
> However, they’ve already moved things to the release distro area (from where 
> they’ve removed it after me contacting them) but in Nexus they clicked on 
> “release” and the artifacts are out in the wild.
> How to generally deal with this situation? I think in general it would be 
> good, if releasing maven artifacts in Nexus was a two step thing … a) the 
> project clicks on “release” and then an IPMC member has to confirm that.
> Chris

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