Thanks, Romain. Jason Porter Software Engineer He/Him/His
IBM On Jan 30, 2023, at 12:10, Romain Manni-Bucau <> wrote: Hi Jason, AFAIK it is ok to use it in tests while you don't reference it explicitly in your code (which means delivering it or implementing its SPI/classes and you don't let it be transitive in any assembly somehow) so would mean ok to use in test while you stay under JPA API. So it would be more JPA for the code, OpenJPA/Hibernate in tests and OpenJPA for the runtime until you download it at runtime (like Karaf features can do for ex). Regards, Romain Manni-Bucau @rmannibucau < > | Blog < > | Old Blog < > | Github < > | LinkedIn < > | Book < > Le lun. 30 janv. 2023 à 20:01, Jason Porter <> a écrit : Question for the group, since I have seen things that seem contradictory. How do projects handle Hibernate since it's LGPL and as such, a Category X dependency? It seems like simply using the library is fine. However, then you see things about "linking" to the library, does simply using the classes and the imports mean it's included in the source? Is that allowed if we're using JPA and OpenJPA for the classes and Hibernate for the implementation? Along the same lines, what about test libraries? Jason Porter Software Engineer He/Him/His IBM