Could we get the proposal doc up on the ASF wiki?

On Tue 3 Jan 2023, 17:25 Jason Porter, <> wrote:

> Sounds like there aren’t any further questions, but I can appreciate
> people just getting back to work from the end of the year. I’ll give it
> another day before we move on to the next stage, which I believe is a call
> for a vote, correct?
> Jason Porter
> Software Engineer
> He/Him/His
> On Dec 23, 2022, at 09:20, Jason Porter <> wrote:
> Are there any further questions anyone has about KIE? I know we're nearing
> the end of the year and people may not be watching as closely, but wanted
> to make sure since the discussion has died down.
> If there are no further questions, are we able to go to a vote?
> ________________________________
> From: Jason Porter <>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2022 08:37
> To: <>
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: [DISCUSS] KIE Proposal
> ________________________________
> From: Calvin Kirs <>
> Sent: Monday, December 12, 2022 23:31
> To: <>
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [DISCUSS] KIE Proposal
> On Fri, Dec 9, 2022 at 11:45 PM Jason Porter <>
> wrote:
> We don’t feel like KIE and Servicecomb-kie clash. One is an acronym (KIE-
> Knowledge Is Everything), and the other is a suffix. Both projects are very
> different as well. Servicecomb-kie is a configuration center for
> microservices written in Go, whereas KIE is a knowledge engineering and
> process automation solution written in Java. For example, how was this
> handled in the context of Apache DeltaCloud and Apache DeltaSpike; or
> Apache DataFu and Apache DataLab? Is there precedence within the ASF for
> similarly named projects? The two communities have also co-existed for
> roughly the same time, using the same names without clashes.
> That's not a problem If two projects are in different fields.
> we'd just need to be careful with the project description.
> Perfect! Thank you, Calvin.
> As was stated previously, the number of projects is much smaller than the
> number of GitHub repos. This is because KIE did not use a singular
> repository model within the GitHub organization. The projects we’re
> currently considering in this proposal are Kogito, jBPM, Drools, KIE-Tools,
> and another project for the CNCF Serverless Workflow implementation that is
> going through a naming process now. KIE-Tools is a little odd, though, as
> it doesn’t stand on its own well. The existing code base contains a lot of
> modules and code, which could be considered legacy, which we do not plan to
> move over. There will be a cleaning and pruning process to ensure a more
> relevant, sustainable, and forward-looking set of modules as code is moved
> over. This should further reduce the amount of code that is moved over. We
> understand we may need to collapse the repositories moving over to the ASF.
> Let us know if you want to see how everything rolls into a more flat
> structure.
> Regarding umbrella versus standalone projects, we believe that the unified
> and cohesive experience provides more value than just the sum of its parts.
> This is also not just about where we are now, but where we hope to evolve
> as a knowledge engineering platform. On the surface, those projects can be
> seen as independent in their business rules, decisions, and workflow
> domains. However, real-world use cases are more complex. Usually, they
> require a lot of interdependencies, for example, business rules
> orchestration is accomplished by using a workflow file definition (i.e.,
> BPMN), and complex workflow decisions are better modeled in DMN models. The
> aim is to try and drive consistency and ease of use across those
> technologies, in an integrated and holistic manner.
> If those projects end up as individual TLPs, it'll be up to users to write
> a lot of boiler-plate code - or create additional new projects to handle
> and abstract the unified experience.
> Of course, as a consequence of the unified vision, the current codebase is
> taking advantage of this unification, which means there's a lot of shared
> code among the projects. Moving away from this will also result in more
> top-level supporting projects to provide additional code, needed as
> foundational code or integration code, which may actually create more
> complexity and end-user confusion.
> Although it might not be the most popular example within Apache, KIE aims
> to provide a similar umbrella cohesiveness that Apache OpenOffice has for
> their sub-projects like Write and Calc. We really want the community to
> think of knowledge engineering as a whole domain of technologies for
> problem-solving, and not on individual silo technologies.
> Lastly, fracturing the community we have already created around the KIE
> brand and concept is certainly not ideal and will weaken the overall
> project brands and success. We believe we'll be able to leverage further
> what we currently have in the community and build upon it to create a more
> cohesive knowledge-processing solution if everything stays together and
> people remain invested in the success of the knowledge engineering platform
> as a whole, rather than their individual technologies.
> We would like to initially keep the PPMC small, ideally 5-7 people. We
> have around 50 people identified as initial committers, but having a PMC
> that large during incubation is not ideal for the issues that have been
> mentioned.
> Jason Porter
> Software Engineer
> He/Him/His
> On Dec 9, 2022, at 08:17, Niall Pemberton <>
> wrote:
> On Tue, 6 Dec 2022 at 16:27, Jason Porter <<mailto:
>>> wrote:
> On Dec 6, 2022, at 01:43, Christofer Dutz <>
> wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> Well, those numbers are a bit better than the initial ones.
> Thing is: Mentors will not only have to help onboard people to Apache
> and teach them how to do things, if they are doing their job correctly,
> they should also really audit the releases being done and help get the
> codebase into shape first.
> Even with 12 sub-projects, work-wise that would put a load on the
> mentors, as if they signed up for mentoring 12 projects.
> So how about bringing in projects separately (where it makes sense)?
> There each project could have their initial PPMC and committer lists and it
> would spread out the load a bit. However I would expect staffing 12
> projects with enough work-willing mentors will still be challenging and I
> would assume not all of them to find enough of them, but it could be one
> first step.
> Or is there an advantage of considering all projects as one unity?
> Chris
> [snip]
> That is part of a broader question. Some of those repos are things like
> examples for kogito, the website, etc. Things that are part of the projects
> themselves, but don’t have a life outside of the project to which they
> belong. I understand we’ll probably have to collapse the structures within
> Apache and have a single repo per project. What we’re really looking at as
> far as projects being donated:
> Kogito
> Drools
> jBPM
> I really think these should be separate projects. I realize theres a
> dependency/hierarchy between them (jBPM using Drools as its rules engine
> and Kogito using jBPM for its business process/workflow) - but people use
> Drools without jBPM and (I assume) jBPM without Kogito. Even if the current
> set of contributors all work on all three projects, the aspiration here at
> Apache has to be to grow the community of contributors from the user
> community which will not be completely the same for the three projects.
> I've used Drools in the past, but not jBPM or Kogito.
> Niall
> Then there are the supporting repos for things like examples, docs,
> website, tooling, etc. Many of the people working on these projects work on
> all of them, so it would probably be the same group of people with very
> little deviation in the list of committers. Could they be different PPMCs,
> but they’d basically be the same group, just more work with the reports,
> setup, infra, etc.
> Jason Porter
> Software Engineer
> He/Him/His
> --
> Best wishes!
> CalvinKirs
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