Hi Larry,

sorry for my misunderstanding, and thanks for your reply.


Il giorno lun 31 ott 2022 alle ore 14:41 larry mccay <lmc...@apache.org> ha

> Hi Marco -
> Sorry if it wasn't clear, anyone that was already a committer on any
> project that expressed interest has already been added.
> The invitations are only for the brand new committers.
> You are already on the PPMC list.
> Thank you for following up those, just in case!
> thanks,
> --larry
> On Mon, Oct 31, 2022 at 4:49 AM Marco Gaido <marcogaid...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Larry,
>> I also expressed my interest in still being part of the community. At
>> least for the thriftserver part, which I contributed and maintained.
>> Thanks,
>> Marco
>> Il giorno lun 31 ott 2022 alle ore 02:08 larry mccay <lmc...@apache.org>
>> ha scritto:
>>> All -
>>> I have sent a single invitation to all those on the to-list here to
>>> become committers.
>>> Follow the instructions for acceptance and filing your ICLA and userid
>>> selection.
>>> Please feel free to reply only to the priv...@livy.incubator.apache.org
>>> list instead of reply-all with any questions.
>>> Since we have already sent the notice, we will add you to the Livy
>>> podling roster upon receipt of your ICLAs.
>>> thanks,
>>> --larry
>>> On Sat, Oct 29, 2022 at 2:09 PM larry mccay <lmc...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> All -
>>>> In preparing to add the members listed in this NOTICE, I came to
>>>> realize that we have a number of new contributors that are not existing
>>>> committers on other projects or that I can't find their account given their
>>>> listed name.
>>>> I intend to add all existing Apache committers from this list in this
>>>> thread within the next hour or so but will also follow up with the
>>>> individuals to formally invite them to the podling and start the process
>>>> for adding new accounts upon completion of the required ICLAs.
>>>> @Justin Mclean <justinmcl...@me.com> - if you or anyone else has any
>>>> guidance on how to deal with this case please instruct me otherwise.
>>>> Those listed on the To: line, you will need to be added as committers
>>>> through the New Committer Process unless you are already one and I have
>>>> missed it.
>>>> Note that I will also be removing PPMC members that have not explicitly
>>>> opted back in. I will leave them as committers however.
>>>> thanks,
>>>> --larry
>>>> On Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 2:30 PM larry mccay <lmc...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Incubator -
>>>>> In an effort to revive the Livy podling [1], it is being proposed to
>>>>> adjust the existing Livy PPMC by adding new members that plan to move the
>>>>> project forward, remove members that have not opted back in and add a
>>>>> number of new Mentors to the project.
>>>>> The following lists of new contributors and roles represent those that
>>>>> have explicitly expressed interest in doing so either by the original
>>>>> revival Proposal [3] or the resulting email thread. It was suggested on 
>>>>> the
>>>>> revival proposal thread [3] that we provide the proposed list of changes 
>>>>> to
>>>>> the community here as notice and that if after 72 hrs there are no
>>>>> objections an IPMC member would be able to make these changes.
>>>>> Mentors
>>>>>    -
>>>>>    Larry McCay, lmc...@apache.org , Cloudera
>>>>>    -
>>>>>    Sunil Govindan, sun...@apache.org, Cloudera
>>>>>    -
>>>>>    Jean-Baptiste Onofré, jbono...@apache.org, Talend
>>>>>    -
>>>>>    Madhawa Gunasekara, madhaw...@gmail.com, Independent
>>>>> PPMC
>>>>> The following are new PPMC members and Committers to be added:
>>>>>    -
>>>>>    Larry McCay, lmc...@apache.org, Cloudera
>>>>>    -
>>>>>    Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli, vino...@cloudera.com, Cloudera
>>>>>    -
>>>>>    Imran Rashid - iras...@apache.org, Cloudera
>>>>>    -
>>>>>    Gyorgy Gal, ggal ,gal.gyo...@gmail.com, Cloudera
>>>>>    -
>>>>>    Wing Yew Poon, wyp...@cloudera.com, Cloudera
>>>>>    -
>>>>>    Xilang Yan, xilang....@gmail.com, Shopee
>>>>>    -
>>>>>    Jianzhen Wu, myjianz...@gmail.com, Shopee
>>>>>    -
>>>>>    Nagella Jagadeewara Rao, jnage...@visa.com, Visa
>>>>>    -
>>>>>    Pralab Kumar, pralk...@visa.com, Visa
>>>>>    -
>>>>>    Prasad Shrikant, shrikant....@gmail.com, Visa
>>>>>    -
>>>>>    Brahma Reddy Battula, bra...@apache.org, Visa
>>>>> The following are existing PPMC members that have expressed interest
>>>>> in remaining:
>>>>>    -
>>>>>    Jean-Baptiste Onofré, jbono...@apache.org, Talend (opted-in via
>>>>>    Retirement DISCUSS thread [2])
>>>>>    -
>>>>>    Alex Bozart, ajboz...@us.ibm.com, IBM
>>>>> Committers
>>>>>    -
>>>>>    Others have expressed interest in joining but did not get names
>>>>>    prior to this notice. Will follow up after this initial set of changes.
>>>>>    1.
>>>>>    Original Apache Livy Proposal
>>>>>    https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/incubator/LivyProposal
>>>>>    2.
>>>>>    Retirement DISCUSS thread
>>>>>    https://lists.apache.org/thread/gcstsrhbp91c5mm55htqn1l3djv8m7o0
>>>>>    3.
>>>>>    Revival Proposal on general@incubator
>>>>>    https://lists.apache.org/thread/hfldoydc5f2hw62n64k2j9kdbl2hn5dd
>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> --larry

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