Hi all,
Thanks for reviewing and voting for Apache Kyuubi(Incubating) v1.6.0-incubating RC1 release, I am happy to announce the release voting has passed with (* = binding) +1: - Cheng Pan - Willem Jiang* - Jeff Zhang* - Chen Xia - Duo Zhang* - Akira Ajisaka* - li gang +0: None -1: None The voting thread is: https://lists.apache.org/thread/0bq9fovq5vg873zk20jk5omxq1kq8tj3 Many thanks for all our mentors helping us with the release procedure, and all IPMC helped us to review and vote for Apache Kyuubi(Incubating) release. I will be working on publishing the artifacts soon. Thanks, On behalf of Apache Kyuubi(Incubating) community