Thank you for initiating the vote.

 +1 retire the project.

2022年8月28日(日) 15:57 Calvin Kirs <>:
> Hi IPMC,
> Hivemall has been incubating since 2016-09-13.
> From last year, activity has been low and the chances of attracting new
> committers and building a vibrant community seem very slim at this point.
> The dev community vote was started by the PPMC for over a month and
> can be found here[1],[2]
> I therefore propose to retire Hivemall from the Incubator.
> I want to start this official vote.
> Voting will start now and will remain open for at least 72 hours.
> Notice: Because the dev vote didn't get enough +1's, this vote is not
> the same as usual, it's not a laze vote.
> [ ] +1 Retire the project
> [ ] +0 No opinion.
> [ ] -1 Do not retire the project because...
> [1]
> [2]
> --
> Best wishes!
> CalvinKirs
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