-1, (non-binding) Hmmm how does it differentiate to what StreamPipes does? Can you explain in detail, thanks. and if you work for a company, do you need to prove that this project is not company-related?
On 2022/08/24 03:55:26 tison wrote: > Hi all, > > Following up on the [DISCUSS] thread on StreamPark[1], I would like to call > a VOTE to accept StreamPark into the Apache Incubator, please check out the > StreamPark Proposal from the incubator wiki[2]. > > Please cast your vote: > > [ ] +1, bring StreamPark into the Incubator > [ ] +0, I don't care either way > [ ] -1, do not bring StreamPark into the Incubator, because... > > The vote will open at least for 72 hours, and only votes from the Incubator > PMC are binding, but votes from everyone are welcome. > > Best, > tison. > > [1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/ns5n6ozl1mdvdbhmkfol67lt163m74v3 > [2] > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INCUBATOR/StreamPark+Proposal >