Hi Justin,

Thanks for the feedback and concerns. I'd like to address them in-line

There are a number of trademark issues that have been outstanding for a
> long time, sometime these can take time to resolve, but we have PPMC
> members involved in some of those companies.

We have made a lot of progress in the last few weeks on the outstanding
items you identified in your last email[1]. We have already made changes to
the AWS-owned offerings on the marketplace to ensure we are in compliance.
The remaining issues (that are not associated with any companies that PPMC
are involved with) are currently being discussed with trademarks@. We are
tracking this with a Github issue[2].

> The MXNet website doesn’t follow ASF policy on how to use it own name, so
> this may be a part of the issue.

Can you please elaborate on this? I'm guessing we should have Apache
included in the main logo image. Would you mind confirming this would
suffice (assuming the other issues with the website mentioned in this email
are also fixed.)

> The front page of the MXNet  website links to products that are not ASF
> projects and have websites that also have naming/branding and potential
> trademark issues (see https://cv.gluon.ai)

If we remove the MXNet logo from the site and ensure "powered by Apache
MXNet" is referenced instead of just "powered by MXNet", will this resolve
this particular issue? I'm also looking for additional issues on all linked

> The front page of the MXNet website links to articles that also have ASF
> naming/branding and potential trademark issues.

We are working to remove these blog articles from the website now. This
will be addressed by next week. Tracked in [3].

The font page of the MXNet website links to a discussion form that has
> branding and trademark issues. (see https://discuss.mxnet.apache.org)

Thanks for pointing this out. We will address this.

The MXNet website is using google analytics.

We are currently in the process of migrating to ASF's hosted Matomo, so
this will be resolved next week at the latest. Tracked in [3].


[1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/6brq4jg1x3hnt0sr3phboh2vwoo33db1
[2] https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/issues/21036
[3] https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/issues/21054

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