I see, thanks Justin and Daniel for your inputs.

Best regards,

Daniel Widdis <wid...@gmail.com> 于2022年5月23日周一 11:32写道:

> Adding onto this, even if there may be no legal trademark issue, there is
> other software by this name which makes it less than desirable.  Quoted
> from [1]
> > Avoiding search-results confusion is important for another reason.
> Apache projects are often very quickly highly ranked. An Apache project
> with a similar name to another application in the same technical space may
> quickly come to dominate searches in that space. If someone else holds a
> related trademark, this may lead to a legal dispute. As a non-profit
> organization, the ASF and Apache projects have no business conflicting with
> an existing trademark for software products or related services.
> A current search for "firestorm software" reveals multiple sites related
> to [2]. Searching "firestorm download" links to [3].  Searching "apache
> firestorm" links to sites providing parts for remote control model cars, of
> which two models compatible with such parts are "Apache" and "Firestorm"
> [4].
> 1 - https://infra.apache.org/project-names.html
> 2 - https://www.zotac.com/us/page/firestorm
> 3 - https://www.firestormviewer.org/choose-your-platform/
> 4 - https://www.competitionx.com/hpi-racing-manuals/
> Not my call, I am not a lawyer and have no binding votes on the incubator,
> just adding my observations.
> On 5/22/22, 8:04 PM, "Justin Mclean" <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:
>     HI,
>     > According to the trademarks@ current cursory feedback, looks like
> project
>     > name "Firestorm" is OK.
>     I don’t this that is the case. Trademark checked “FlameStorm”, and
> said that if Firestorm was as issue then FlameStorm would also be an issue.
> I don’t believe they have checked FireStorm.
>     Please don’t under estimate the cost of a project name change, I seen
> several project go through this and it it is always much more effort than
> you realise. Based on previous experience, Infra are not likely to make it
> a priority to help with a name change mid incubation or just before
> gradation.
>     Kind Regards,
>     Justin
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