Hi all Thanks for reviewing and voting for Apache InLong(Incubating) 1.1.0-incubating RC0 release, I am happy to announce the release voting has passed with 3 binding votes, 1 non-binding vote, no +0 or -1 votes. Binding votes are from IPMC
- JB - Xun Liu - Lidong Dai A non-binding vote is from - li gang The voting thread is: https://lists.apache.org/thread/2p46hd1n50ddcox7wnyn9f6otjqlly7v Many thanks to all our mentors for helping us with the release procedure, and all IPMC helped us to review and vote for Apache InLong(Incubating) release. I will be working on publishing the artifacts soon. Thanks On behalf of Apache InLong(Incubating) community