> > This problem with  -LICENSE and NOTIC , do we need to remove the licenses
> > and notices of  Category   B and  X?

Only licenses from software included in the source release need to be
> mentioned in LICENSE and NOTICE not all dependancies. This may make the
> LICENSE file different for the source release and the binary release.

Also make sure there are no non optional dependancies on Category X
> software.

Thank you, we will handle this according to the rules.

Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com> 于2022年1月8日周六 07:32写道:

> Hi,
> > This problem with  -LICENSE and NOTIC , do we need to remove the licenses
> > and notices of  Category   B and  X?
> Only licenses from software included in the source release need to be
> mentioned in LICENSE and NOTICE not all dependancies. This may make the
> LICENSE file different for the source release and the binary release.
> Also make sure there are no non optional dependancies on Category X
> software.
> Kind Regards,
> Justin
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