Hi All, The vote to graduate Apache Hop as a TLP is now closed.
The results of the voting are listed below: Binding votes: 6 +1 votes, no 0 or -1 votes. - Julian Hyde - Kevin Ratnasekera - Dave Fisher - Francois Papon - Furkan Kamaci - Willem Jiang Non binding: 4 +1 votes, no 0 or -1 votes - Goson zhang - Kent Yao - Zhang Yonglun - Young Seung (Andrew) Ko The [VOTE] thread can be found at [1]. Please let us know if any next steps in the graduating process are required before the resolution can be submitted to the board [2]. [1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/zt1yg1ozjs9chlr9gxmvml1r4ys4gjqn [2] https://incubator.apache.org/guides/graduation.html#submission_of_the_resolution_to_the_board Regards, Bart