Great. Then hereby the vote to release Apache Annotator (incubating)
0.2.0 has PASSED with 3 binding +1 votes (and no other votes) from:
- Xun Liu
- Nick Kew
- Benjamin Young

Thank you for your help. We will proceed with publishing the release and

On behalf of the team,

— Gerben

On 27/08/2021 21.04, Dave Fisher wrote:
> Hey - I’ve reviewed the VOTE thread and there have been 2 +1s from the 3 
> Podling Mentors.
> Since Xun Liu VOTED +1 and since August 14 is an IPMC member.
> I think this passes.
>> On Aug 26, 2021, at 7:12 PM, Xun Liu <> wrote:
>> hi, Benjamin
>> Maybe you need to invite the mentor of the Annotator project to vote. :-)
>> Xun Liu
>> Best regards,
>> On Fri, Aug 27, 2021 at 12:01 AM Benjamin Young <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Here's a formal +1 (binding) vote from an IPMC member. I'm not sure, yet,
>>> what part of this process we're doing incorrectly, but it stays awfully
>>> quiet when we post here...and I believe we need 2 more IPMC votes to get
>>> this officially released?
>>> As Gerben mentioned last month (see below), we have gone through the
>>> formal voting process and gotten the necessary votes from our the Annotator
>>> PMC members (as well as other testing/vetting from the community). Here's
>>> the thread to our list:
>>> Can we move forward with the release? or do we need to await more votes?
>>> And if so, who from?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Benjamin
>>> --
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Xun Liu <>
>>> Sent: Monday, July 26, 2021 10:08 PM
>>> To: <>
>>> Cc: <>
>>> Subject: Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Annotator (incubating) version
>>> 0.2.0(-rc.1)
>>> +1 (non-binding) from me, I have checked the following items:
>>> - Incubating in name
>>> - NOTICE is fine
>>> - DISCLAIMER-WIP exists
>>> - All links are valid
>>> - All ASF files have ASF headers
>>> - RUN: yarn install & yarn build & make check
>>>    - GPG signature okay.
>>>    - Checksums okay.
>>>    - Apache Rat checks okay.
>>> Best regards
>>> Xun Liu
>>> On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 5:11 PM Gerben <> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> We propose to release Apache Annotator (incubating) 0.2.0.
>>>> Annotator helps developers of annotation tools create their applications
>>>> without having to reinvent the wheel, while applying a standards-driven
>>>> approach based on the W3C’s Web Annotation data model
>>>> <>, in order to facilitate an
>>>> ecosystem of interoperable annotation tools — ideally making annotations
>>>> an integral part of the web.
>>>> These are the main changes since the previous (and first) release,
>>> v0.1.0:
>>>> - all code is converted to TypeScript
>>>> - the API is documented
>>>> - many tests have been added
>>>> - package names changed from “@annotator/…” to “@apache-annotator/…”
>>>> - a meta-package was added that includes all the others in one package
>>>> - it now supports TextPositionSelector
>>>> - it now supports CssSelector in both directions (match & describe)
>>>> - steps were made to apply text matching algorithms to other
>>>> environments than the DOM
>>>> - and many small fixes, tweaks and improvements
>>>> More details can be found in the pull requests merged since last release:
>>>> <
>>>> The release artifacts are available here:
>>>> <
>>>> Steps to verify the contents are described in our wiki:
>>>> <
>>>> Within the project, we got three +1 votes by PPMC members and no other
>>>> votes; see this thread:
>>>> <
>>>> We kindly request the Incubator PMC members to review and vote on this
>>>> incubator release:
>>>> +1 - approve
>>>> +0 - no opinion
>>>> -1 - disapprove
>>>> The vote will be open for at least 72 hours.
>>>> Please let know if you find any issues with the release content or
>>> process.
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> — Gerben

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