
+1 but only because of WIP disclaimer

Only IPMC votes are binding on releases, projects often like to get 3+ PPMC 
votes on their releases on their dev list first, but you still need 3 IPMC +1 
votes (and more +1s than -1s) to make a release.

I’m also concerned about linking to a non ASF release in a non ASF repo from 
the projects home page [1]. This release hasn’t been voted on by the IPMC and 
should be removed. Also please don’t link to GitHub from the front page in the 
way you are doing so, as you are pointing users to unreleased code, and please 
do not mark something as released in GitHub before it has passed the IPMC vote. 

With the missing ASF headers it makes it impossible to know if a file is a 3rd 
party file or an ASF file and the contents of LICENSE can’t be accurately 

So for this particular release I checked:
- incubating in name
- signatures and hashes are correct
- disclaimer (WIP) exists
- NOTICE needs year updating
- files are missing ASF headers please fix this
- no unexpected binary files
- unable to compile from source but probably my environment is not set up 


1. https://github.com/XiaoMi/pegasus-java-client/releases
2. https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INCUBATOR/Distribution+Guidelines
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