> On Jun 14, 2021, at 11:42 AM, Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>> The mikuli code was copied from cava prior to donation, looks like. That was
>> three years ago, not sure how that happened or what to do about it.
> I would remove the ASF headers and note it inclusion and LICENSE in your
That’s not the right solution. They copied code from the original project to a
separate project before it was donated to the ASF. This has nothing to do with
Tuweni. If anything, that project might need to set itself to compliance.
More likely, that project should be archived and removed.
>> We most definitely built all the sodium code, using a script as first pass
>> then adding more docs and utilities.
> Using a script - hw so? Was that parsing 3rd party code and if so how was it
> licensed? Just automatically converting something form one form to another or
> from one computer language to another doesn’t change it original license or
> man you can put an ASF header n it.
We use the .h file and a script to generate a first pass, and then we do heavy
editing. It’s our code alright.
> Thanks,
> Justin
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