Hi all,

Thanks for voting. 72 hours have passed and we have collected enough votes.
I will close this thread and announce the result.


On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 1:42 AM Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com>

> HI,
> > 1. The reason why the BSD license has "2020 - 2021 Apache Sedona" is that
> > we took the original index.js from that BSD project and modified it to
> > support our system.
> Generally modification to 3rd party code stay under the original license,
> and you shouldn’t change the header, see [1]. Also the copyright would be
> with the author(s) not the project, unless the changes were major I’d just
> leave the original header as is on that file.
> > 2. Yes, the scalastyle_config.xml is copied from Scala style website.
> You might want to mention this in the LICENSE file.
> > 3. In the next release, I will see if I can replace NASA HDF data with
> some
> > alternative HDF data in order to avoid the legal issue.
> That seems like a good idea as those terms look rather complex and at a
> first glance I have no idea if that data could or could not be used and
> distributed in an Apache project.
> Thanks,
> Justin
> 1. https://www.apache.org/legal/src-headers.html#3party
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