
ShenYu (神禹) project is developed by the Dromara[1] community. ShenYu
is a high performance Microservices API gateway in the Java ecosystem,
compatible with a variety of mainstream framework systems, supports
hot plug extenstion. Users can write their own plugin to meet the
current requirement and future needs in a variety of scenarios,
especially in large-scale scenes.
Recently the Dromara community decided to donate the project Apache
Software Foundation[2].

As the Champion of ShenYu, I'd like to bring your attention to the
proposal of ShenYu [3] for Incubation in the Apache Software

Please note that the Shenyu project was named Soul before, but we
decided to rename the project because of the trademark issue. You can
find the original project web page here[4].


Willem Jiang

Twitter: willemjiang
Weibo: 姜宁willem

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