The Apache Voting Process policy specifies that non-binding votes are only 
advisory, which would imply they are not included in the count. So my question 
is addressed. 


On February 11, 2021 10:47:23 AM GMT+01:00, Leonard Lausen <> 
>Hi Justin,
>according to release policy, 'For a release vote to pass, a minimum of three 
>positive votes and more positive than negative votes MUST be cast. Releases 
>may not be vetoed. Votes cast by PMC members are binding.'
>There are 3 positive votes including one PPMC vote. Could you provide a 
>reference to the applicable policy? Or does the formulation of the release 
>policy need correction?
>Best regards
>On February 11, 2021 3:30:34 AM GMT+01:00, Justin Mclean 
><> wrote:
>>-1 (binding) I have not checked dates release but teh vote thread shows only 
>>one PPMC (and no mentors) vote. Committer votes are not binding on release 
>>votes. I would suggest you continue with the vote on your dev listuntill you 
>>have enough PPMC votes and then bright it back here again.
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