Hi Justin,

Thanks for reply. Sorry for my mistake.

I found the .txt issue and renamed these file. What I am really confused about 
is the following exception,

▶ shasum -a 512 -c apache-liminal-0.0.1rc4-INCUBATING-source.tar.gz.sha512

shasum: apache-liminal-0.0.1rc4-INCUBATING-source.tar.gz.sha512: no properly 
formatted SHA1 checksum lines found

▶ shasum -c apache-liminal-0.0.1rc4-INCUBATING-source.tar.gz.sha512

shasum: apache-liminal-0.0.1rc4-INCUBATING-source.tar.gz.sha512: no properly 
formatted SHA1 checksum lines found

I opened this sha512[1] and compared it with a successful one [2]. The 
difference is the order of lines, so I am unsure whether that’s an issue.





   Juan Pan (Trista)
Senior DBA & PMC of Apache ShardingSphere
E-mail: panj...@apache.org

On 01/28/2021 14:42,Justin Mclean<jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:

▶ shasum -c apache-liminal-0.0.1rc4-INCUBATING-source.tar.gz.sha512
shasum: apache-liminal-0.0.1rc4-INCUBATING-source.tar.gz.sha512: No such file 
or directory
▶ shasum -a 512  -c apache-liminal-0.0.1rc4-INCUBATING-source.tar.gz.sha512
shasum: apache-liminal-0.0.1rc4-INCUBATING-source.tar.gz.sha512: No such file 
or directory

This may help.

The files may download with .txt extensions you may need to rename them to .sha.

I have a little bash function to do this:

function untxt() {
find . -name '*.txt' | while read f; do mv "$f" "${f/\.txt/}"; done

I generally compare:
shasum -a 512 apache-liminal-0.0.1rc4-INCUBATING-source.tar.gz

with the .sha512 file under nuttx-ing it

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