I would like to revisit a bit about the release topic to shed light about
the release process.
The TVM PPMC has always been focusing on producing high quality releases.

- The project has produced five major (non-apache) releases prior joining
- While most incubator projects start with a DISCLAIMER-WIP, the TVM
community strives to keep the release quality high and uses the DISCLAIMER
   in the beginning of the first release[1]. The first release contains a
few rough edges and gets resolved very quickly thanks to the feedback from
Justin and other IPMC members.
   The second release is super smooth.
- Multiple PMC members work together to generate these releases.

- [1]

On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 8:54 PM Tianqi Chen <tqc...@apache.org> wrote:

> We have also talked to Apache INFRA about the use of the
> https://ci.tvm.ai/ due to the need of special setups in terms of GPU
> based resources etc.
> So far we have received warm help from the INFRA and they are super
> helpful in helping setting up CI hooks so that the community can enjoy quick
> development with the volunteer maintained CI. Running and serving the
> community well, we would certainly happy to use a different name if asked by
> the trademark.
> TQ
> On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 8:49 PM Tianqi Chen <tqc...@apache.org> wrote:
>> tvmlang.org was an old url by the project that eventually got deprecated
>> at some time point, it now redirects to the https://tvm.apache.org/
>> The PMC makes sure to redirect to the static Apache project when possible
>> for official project related information.
>> Due to the mechanism of the discourse website(need an active server), and
>> CI (tracking is not used and is removed). It is necessary to use a
>> standalone domain name
>> - These domains are maintained by volunteers from TVM PMC members
>> (tqchen, yizhi, haichen, jroesch, ziheng, lianminzheng, zhiics, masahi,
>> thierry from different organizations)
>>   as a thirdparty service to help the community.
>> - Given that these domains are not used to represent the official apache
>> project website(no confusion), and the usage voted by the community [2],
>>   the PPMC believes it is fair to use these domains to serve the
>> community, just like the use of thirdparty conference website for some of
>> the ASF projects' developer conferences.
>> - Of course we would love to get approval/feedback from the trademark. We
>> have started a trademark thread on the community discourse forum domain
>> [1],
>>    and would be more than happy to follow up the guidance of the
>> trademark discussion.
>> Again the hopefully outcome is not to discourage the use of these
>> services. The PMC members strive to make sure that these thirdparty
>> services are sustained,
>> and remain "non-blocker" even when they go down.
>> - Introduce multiple volunteers from different organizations in the PMC
>> to do the work.
>> - Make sure the messages are backed up to mail-list.
>> - In the case of CI, have a clear workflow(JenkinsFile) and docker source
>> so that any committer could have spin up CI when necessary.
>> - Every development activities (also) happens on dev@
>> TQ
>> ---
>> - [1]
>> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/rd23004bf526975fceebd1b0bae7120dc1935bb61b7cdd8243fbc36dd%40%3Ctrademarks.apache.org%3E
>> - [2]
>> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/c34b728f01d1030146594e47e0706cd1990ed731d06e3c179b7d501a%40%3Cdev.tvm.apache.org%3E
>> On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 8:20 PM Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Sorry my mistake, I meant to say tvm.ai not tvm.io, but as I said
>>> subdomains on tvm.ai are not redirecting. For instance discuss.tvm.ai
>>> stays as it is. Other sub-domains include ci.tvm.ai , tracking.tvm.ai
>>> and docs.tvm.ai that I’ve found. There might be others, of those four,
>>> only docs redirects.
>>> I notice that forum [1] also states "Open source community on end to end
>>> stack for deploying deep learning workloads to hardware backends
>>> tvmlang.org.” Who controls tvmlang.org? It not clear on that page that
>>> this is a space for discussion about an Apache project.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Justin
>>> 1. https://discuss.tvm.ai
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