Hello all,
This is a call for a vote to release Apache NLPCraft (incubating) version

The Apache NLPCraft community has voted on and approved a proposal to
release Apache NLPCraft (Incubating) version 0.5.0. We would like to
request the Incubator PMC members review and vote on this incubator release.

Apache NLPCraft is a Java-based library for adding a natural language
interface to any applications. Notice that this is a first ASF release for
the NLPCraft community.

Release information:
1. Vote result thread:
2. Release location:
3. Git tag:
4. JIRA issues fixed in release:

Quick links:
1. ZIP archive:
2. PGP signature:
3. SHA256 signature:
4. KEYS file:

NOTE: the 'dist' location has double 'nlpcraft' folders which may look
suspicious. First 'nlpcraft' is a root for the project, while the second
denotes core project name. Note that we'll be releasing our sub-projects
(i.e. java client) under the root 'nlpcraft' folder so the dist location
will eventually have structure like this:
-- nlpcraft
  |-- nlpcraft
  |-- nlpcraft-java-client
  |-- nlpcraft-web-ui

The vote will be open for at least 72 hours or until a necessary number of
votes are reached.

Please vote accordingly:
[ ] +1 approve
[ ] +0 no opinion
[ ] -1 disapprove with the reason

Thank you,
Aaron Radzinski

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