On Mon, 23 Mar 2020 at 3:24 AM, Maziar Siami <maziarsi...@yahoo.com.invalid>

> Hi All,
> I am not sure if this email list is the relevant one. But hope it is close
> enough.
> I believe Apache foundation could launch projects to leverage volunteers
> and technology in addressing  covid-19 outbreak.There can be different
> innovative ideas,  e.g., A mobile apps to help with tracking the places a
> covid-19 positive patient visited, to warn others if they were in the
> vicinity. Etc.

I’m part of various open source and tech groups and I see related
discussions. The General consensus is that if there are ongoing
initiatives, one could start supporting those ( context: tech folk getting
frustrated that the particular organisation they are part of is “doing
nothing” whereas those org members are actually helping at other places.)


> Regards,
> Maziar

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