This is a call for vote to release Apache Annotator (incubating) version 0.1.0.
Apache Annotator (incubating) provides libraries to enable annotation related software, with an initial focus on identification of textual fragments in browser environments. The Annotator community has voted on a proposal to make this release Results: Voting: This release will be the first for this podling, so feedback is especially welcome. Extra thanks to those who have reached out to help us with this process already. Release artifacts are available here: Git tag is available here: Git commit hash: 2eb484150c0fa86a144fa3f3f6811e856e761dd6 A KEYS file for checking the signatures can be found here: Please verify that the build is from commit 2eb484150c0fa86a144fa3f3f6811e856e761dd6, tagged as v0.1.0-rc.2, by checking out the source tree and comparing it to the contents of the tarball. Please validate the release by checking that the signature and checksums are valid for the uploaded tarball and then unpacking it and ensuring that `make && make check` exits cleanly. If you would like to further validate the packaging, the repository is set up for Apache Rat to check for proper license headers and notifications. As this is our first release, it is important to us that we get these processes correctly in place. The vote will be open for at least 72 hours or until necessary number of votes are reached. Please vote accordingly: [ ] +1 approve [ ] +0 no opinion [ ] -1 disapprove with the reason If the vote passes, these artifacts will be proposed to Apache Incubator for release as Apache Annotator (incubating) 0.1.0. Regards, Randall Leeds