Thanks for replying this for me, Bertrand. That's exactly what I want to
say as well - current proposal is final unless it get veto for some reason.
We can always add more committers/PPMC later by PPMC vote (and notify IPMC
before invitation).



Bertrand Delacretaz <> 于2019年12月4日周三 下午8:55写道:

> Hi,
> On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 7:45 PM Gregory Nutt <> wrote:
> > ...I have a request to add Abdelatif GUETTOUCHE
> > <> as an initial committer as well..
> The proposal shouldn't be modified once the vote starts, but note that
> it's easy to add committers once the podling is established. Being an
> initial committer or not doesn't make a real difference.
> And that's a good exercise in terms of learning how Apache works ;-)
> -Bertrand
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