Sorry about using tabs.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 6, 2019, at 3:10 PM, Justin Mclean (Confluence) <> 
> wrote:
> There's 1 new edit on this page
> <page-icon.png>
> November2019
> <avatar_a297d5dd9c398afa647bfcb7882eb989.png>
> Justin Mclean edited this page
> Here's the version comment
> <avatar_a297d5dd9c398afa647bfcb7882eb989.png>
> Justin Mclean edited at 11:00 PM
> do not use tabs
> Here's what changed:
> ...
>  Markdown
> # Incubator PMC report for November 2019
> The Apache Incubator is the entry path into the ASF for projects and 
> codebases wishing to become part of the Foundation's efforts.
> This monthly report is in markdown so that it's easier to read. If you are 
> not viewing this in that format, it can be seen here: 
> There are presently 48 podlings incubating. In October, podlings executed 
> XX distinct releases. We added one new IPMC members and no IPMC members 
> retired. There were 5 IP clearances. There were some discussions about the 
> IP clearance process.
> We have two new podlings this month Apisix and TubeMQ. StreamPipes will 
> soon to be added. Other project Sparklyr was discussed but decided not to 
> enter incubation due to a large number of GPL licensed dependencies it had. 
> SINGA graduated last month. The Amaterasu project was retired after the 
> PPMC failed to respond to queries about its status. Edgent also retired. 
> Omid and Tephra have decided to "graduate" and become sub-projects of the 
> Phoenix project. A couple of podlings are heading towards graduation in the 
> next few months.
> BatchEE has now failed to report twice in a row. Looking at the low 
> activity in the project, it may be time to considering retirement.
> All other projects reported.
> Graduation of Weex was discussed but was withdrawn after the project 
> realised it needed to do some more work around branding and community 
> growth.
> Further ongoing work was done on cleaning up the incubator web site, but 
> there are still a number of pages that need to be reviewed and updated.
> Podlings have continued to use the new disclaimer policy, and this has 
> reduced the friction in making releases. Extra votes from the wider IPMC 
> community are needed to get the 3 +1 votes, with not all mentors voting on 
> releases.
> A new straight to top level project has been proposed called Petri as 
> another way of educating external projects and the Apache Way with the 
> option of them bypassing the Incubator and going straight to being a top 
> level project. It's still under consideration by the board. A FAQ is being 
> worked on, but it currently unknown what impact this might have on the 
> Incubator in the short or long term.
> At ApacheCon Europe there was a Podling's Shark Tank, a talk on incubating 
> process and talks involving several incubating projects.
> The podling reporting groups have been rearranged so that there is an 
> evener distribution of projects reporting each month.
> A couple of mentors were added and removed from projects.
> ## Community
> ### New IPMC members:
> - Evans Ye
> ### People who left the IPMC:
> - None
> ## New Podlings
> - Apisix
> - TubeMQ
> ## Podlings that failed to report, expected next month
> - BatchEE
> ## Graduations
>   - SINGA
>   The board has motions for the following:
>   - None
> ## Releases
>   The following releases entered distribution during the month of
>   October:
> ## IP Clearance
>   - ServiceComb toolkit contribution
>   - ServiceComb osa-validator
>   - python-dubbo
>   - NetBeans - dukescript presenters
>   - Weex Loader
> ## Legal / Trademarks
>   - N/A
> ## Infrastructure
>   - N/A
> |----------------------------------------------------------------------
>                        Table of Contents
> [Annotator](#Annotator)  
> [DataSketches](#DataSketches)  
> [DolphinScheduler](#DolphinScheduler)  
> [Doris](#Doris)  
> [ECharts](#ECharts)  
> [Heron](#Heron)  
> [PageSpeed](#PageSpeed)  
> [Pinot](#Pinot)  
> [Ratis](#Ratis)  
> [S2Graph](#S2Graph)  
> [SDAP](#SDAP)  
> [Tamaya](#Tamaya)  
> [Toree](#Toree)  
> [Training](#Training)  
> [Tuweni](#Tuweni)  
> |----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------
> ## Annotator
> Annotator provides annotation enabling code for browsers, servers, and
> humans.
> Annotator has been incubating since 2016-08-30.
> ### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
>   1. Release initial versions (should happen this week!)
>   2. Increase activity from current committers and community.
>   3. Demonstrate good governance through voting and learning the Incubator 
>   process (some more).
> ### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
>   None at this time.
> ### How has the community developed since the last report?
>   Community activity was quiet. However, code is underway for a first 
>   release to be ready in the coming week(s) which we hope will increase
>   interest and activity.
> ### How has the project developed since the last report?
>   Code for a first release is hoped to be available in the coming days with 
>   more community members participating in review and critique. 
>   Additionally, work in the W3C's ARIA (accessibility) Working Group and on
>   various browser vendor repositories has highlighted new annotation related
>   activity and opportunity for this project. Sadly, we've mostly failed at
>   raising awareness on the list, so the communities "radar" looks quieter
>   than it should...
> ### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
> Please feel free to add your own commentary.
>   - [X] Initial setup
>   - [X] Working towards first release
>   - [X] Community building
>   - [ ] Nearing graduation
>   - [ ] Other:
> ### Date of last release:
>   None yet, but we hope to release before the end of November 2019.
> ### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
>   No new committers nor PPMC members have been added since the last report.
> ### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
>   No check-ins with/from/by mentors in the last 4 months, but we should do 
>   one over email within this next quarter.
> ### Signed-off-by:
>   - [X] (annotator) Nick Kew  
>      Comments:  
>   - [ ] (annotator) Steve Blackmon  
>      Comments:  
>   - [ ] (annotator) Tommaso Teofili  
>      Comments:  
> --------------------
> ## DataSketches
> DataSketches is an open source, high-performance library of stochastic
> streaming algorithms commonly called "sketches" in the data sciences.
> Sketches are small, stateful programs that process massive data as a stream
> and can provide approximate answers, with mathematical guarantees, to
> computationally difficult queries orders-of-magnitude faster than
> traditional, exact methods.
> DataSketches has been incubating since 2019-03-30.
> ### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
>   1. Finish the transfer and bring-up of our website to 
>  This is now in process.
>   2. __Team Interactions:__ We want to have our exchanges on the ASF 
>      Slack DataSketches-dev channel posted to our dev@datasketches.a.o 
>      list on a daily basis for improved visibility and searchability. 
>      We have an open INFRA ticket on this issue. 
>      We are searching for a solution to provide more open access to 
>      our video conference sessions when we have them. We are in the
>      process of moving more of our interactions into the slack 
>      DS-dev channel and dev@ list. This is a culture change for us 
>      and will take some getting used to. We clearly want open 
>      access to our team discussions.
>   3. We would like to see a few more folks 
>      join our contributors list.  We have several folks that
>      have come forward and offered help because they are interested
>      in the project.  This is great.  It is our hope that they will
>      grow into active contributors.
> ### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
>   None
> ### How has the community developed since the last report?
>   * We have added 1 new Mentor, Dave Fisher (thank you!) to our project
>     and we have been approached by another Apache member 
>     who would also like to be a mentor, and eventually a contributor 
>     as well. This is very positive!  
> ### How has the project developed since the last report?
>   * We have now managed 7 releases,  6 Java releases and 1 C++ release.
>     We have one more C++ release pending.  These are across 6 different
>     components of the DataSketches library.  With the last pending C++
>     release, all of the code components targeted for release will 
>     be complete.   
> ### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
> Please feel free to add your own commentary.
>   - [ ] Initial setup
>   - [ ] Working towards first release
>   - [X] Community building
>   - [ ] Nearing graduation
>   - [ ] Other:
> ### Date of last release:
>   2019-10-19  01:55 GMT DataSketches-pig 
> ### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
>   * Dave Fisher: 16 Sep 2019
> ### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
>   * Helpful and responsive, Yes.  
>     Having additional mentors has helped the voting
>     move forward more expeditiously!
>   * I want to thank Dave Fisher for jumping in and helping us
>     with a number of issues! 
> ### Signed-off-by:
>   - [X] (datasketches) Liang Chen  
>      Comments:  
>   - [x] (datasketches) Kenneth Knowles  
>      Comments:  
>   - [X] (datasketches) Furkan Kamaci  
>      Comments:  
>   - [X] (datasketches) Dave Fisher  
>      Comments:  
> ### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
> --------------------
> ## Dolphin Scheduler
> Dolphin Scheduler is a distributed and easy-to-expand visual DAG workflow 
> scheduling system dedicated to solving the complex dependencies in data 
> processing, making the scheduling system out of the box for data processing.
> Dolphin Scheduler has been incubating since 2019-8-29.
> #### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
>   1. Make first  Apache releases (In progress) 
>   2. Fix the content of official website about Non-ASF release and notice.
>   3. Make more interactive e-mail discussion besides github, wechat
> #### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
>   None
> #### How has the community developed since the last report?
>   1. Now there are 42 external contributors besides 8 PPMC members who 
>   contributes codes to github. 
>   2. We held a offline Meetup in Shanghai. 5 Speakers (including 4 PPMC 
>   member and 1 user) gave  their presentation.  30 people came and 10 people 
>   online watch the meetup.
>   3. Github star grew from 2291 to 2648 in October.
>   4. Over 61 company users is willing to announce that he is using Dolphin 
>   Scheduler: <>
> #### How has the project developed since the last report?
>   1. Solid Apache verson plan is created  and we planed to start a Apahce 
>   release in November. 
>   2. Some new important feature developerd by contributor was merge to 
>   project(Docker file, S3 support, Flink job support, job import/export, 
> etc.) 
>   3. 178 issues created,181 PRs  merged (from #932 to #1113)  .
>   4. Developers and Contributors are steadily developing the project   
>   <
> ### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
> Please feel free to add your own commentary.
>   - [ ] Initial setup
>   - [X] Working towards first release
>   - [ ] Community building
>   - [ ] Nearing graduation
>   - [ ] Other:
> ### Date of last release:
>   None.
> ### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
>   2019-8-29
> ### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
>   Yes, our mentors noticed some issue of DolphinScheduler and give useful 
>   advice to PPMC especially on first Apache version. I want to thank Wusheng 
>   for many good advice for community operation and Apache first release. 
> ### Signed-off-by:
>   - [x] (dolphinscheduler) Sheng Wu  
>      Comments:  
>   - [x] (dolphinscheduler) ShaoFeng Shi  
>      Comments:  LGTM
>   - [X] (dolphinscheduler) Liang Chen  
>      Comments:  
>   - [X] (dolphinscheduler) Furkan KAMACI  
>      Comments:  
>   - [X] (dolphinscheduler) Kevin Ratnasekera  
>      Comments:  
> ### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
>         Dave Fisher: A good start. Please listen about labeling of non-Apache 
> Releases.
>                 I'd like to see discussion on email threads on dev@ in 
> addition to announcements.
>                 Listen to Sheng Wu regarding the branding of Events.
> --------------------
> ## Doris
> Doris is a MPP-based interactive SQL data warehousing for reporting and
> analysis.
> Doris has been incubating since 2018-07-18.
> ### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
>   1. Continue to build our community. It is glad to see that more 
>   developers joined us and became contributors. But we still need more 
>   leading developers to join the community who can participate in the 
>   discussion of Doris' road map, not just start-up members. 
>   2. Improve the documents and website as well. Currently, most of 
>   documents are in Chinese and most of English docs are translated by 
>   machine. We are working on it.
>   3. The discussion on dev mail list is still very few. Most of discussion 
>   and decisions are still make in private or in GitHub issues. We should 
>   improve the utilization of mailing lists and discuss more public.
> ### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
>   None
> ### How has the community developed since the last report?
>   1. Now we have 58 contributors, 1 more committers, and 1 committer became 
>   PPMC member.
>   2. 3 more other companies are cooperating with us on developing Doris and 
>   try to make Doris as part of their data infrastructure.
> ### How has the project developed since the last report?
>   1. We released one new version: 0.11.0.
>   2. And the website ( is built with more 
>   docs, both in Chinese and English version.
> ### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
> Please feel free to add your own commentary.
>   - [ ] Initial setup
>   - [ ] Working towards first release
>   - [x] Community building
>   - [ ] Nearing graduation
>   - [ ] Other:
> ### Date of last release:
>   2019-10-29:  Apache Doris (incubating) 0.11.0
> ### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
>   Ling Miao: New Committer 2019-08-28
>   Kaisen Kang: New PPMC 2019-09-20
> ### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
>   Dave Fisher helped us a lot, such as Release process, and mail management.
>   Willem helped us to build english website, nominate new committer and PPMC.
>   All mentors helped us to verify our release.
> ### Signed-off-by:
>   - [X] (doris) Dave Fisher  
>      Comments:  Having discussions on dev@ is a critical improvement. Focus
>                 on that for the next three months.
>   - [ ] (doris) Willem Ning Jiang  
>      Comments:  
>   - [ ] (doris) Shao Feng Shi  
>      Comments:  
> ### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
> --------------------
> ## ECharts
> ECharts is a charting and data visualization library written in JavaScript.
> ECharts has been incubating since 2018-01-18.
> ### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
>   1. Solve CDN issue and redirect to
>   2. Vote for more PPMC and bring diversity to it.
>   3. Check tutorials and other documents to make sure users can find what 
>   they need, and the information is up-to-date. Keep the content of Chinese
>   version and English version to be the same.
> ### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
>   We are still working on the Website speed problem before we can transfer it 
>   to Apache server.
>   We are trying the CDN as suggested by Dave and York Shen. It may take 
>   several days before we can get conclusion. If this works, we will ask the
>   infra for help with this CDN, if not, we should find other solutions.
>   Currently, we put a banner stating "Apache ECharts is an effort undergoing 
>   incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache
>   Incubator.We are working on redirecting this Website to
> You may visit our new official Website now.". 
>   Hopefully, this can help with the branding before we do the redirection.
> ### How has the community developed since the last report?
>   1. We got more contributors from the community. Last month alone, there are 
>   more than 10 non-committer contributors whose pull requests were merged in
>   incubator-echarts project or doc project.
>   2. The mailing list has been much more active these months. We are publicly 
>   discussing issues,monthly release plans, future plans and so on. And more
>   people asked for help and have their problem solved from the mailing list.
>   3. We are using social medias like YouTube, Twitter and Medium to help 
>   promote our project internationally and grow the community.
>   4. We used labels to state the difficulty of fixing to make it easier for 
>   contributors to find bugs that are supposed to be fixed by beginners. 
> ### How has the project developed since the last report?
>   We have released 2 versions since the last report and we are working on the 
>   vote of the third one these days. We have formed a monthly release procedure
>   and made the process public.
>   We made an automatic visual test framework, so that the testing job can be 
>   made more easily and more bugs can be found during pull request or testing
>   stage before release.
> ### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
> Please feel free to add your own commentary.
>   - [ ] Initial setup
>   - [ ] Working towards first release
>   - [x] Community building
>   - [ ] Nearing graduation
>   - [ ] Other:
> ### Date of last release:
>   2019-10-15
> ### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
>   2019-10-16
> ### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
>   Yes. They helped us a lot on the Website and suggestion of how to grow our 
>   community.
> ### Signed-off-by:
>   - [X] (echarts) Kevin A. McGrail  
>      Comments:  Continuing to make good and stready progress!
>   - [X] (echarts) Dave Fisher  
>      Comments:  Making progress. Looking forward to the resolution of the
>                 CDN issues.
>   - [ ] (echarts) Ted Liu  
>      Comments:  
>   - [x] (echarts) Sheng Wu  
>      Comments:  Project PPMC has made a good progress toward the Apache 
>                 way. Look forward you could make the community more active and
>                 diversity.
> ### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
> --------------------
> ## Heron
> A real-time, distributed, fault-tolerant stream processing engine.
> Heron has been incubating since 2017-06-23.
> ### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
>   1. Fixing issues with licensing in the repo. [mostly done]
>   2. Making several Releases. [two src only releases so far]
>   3. Updating the heron documentation site [mostly done]
> ### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
>   * n/a
> ### How has the community developed since the last report?
>   * The community is gradually growing.  
>   * Community support is growing in conversations via email and slack.
>   *  Monthly meetups have been regularly and successfully organized.  
>   * We are working to increasing activity in the Apache mailing lists.
> ### How has the project developed since the last report?
>   There have been bug fixes and feature improvements. Some to note are:
>   * Documentation updates
>   * License fixes
>   * Two phase commit support
>   * UI improvements
>   * Optimization
>   * New improvement proposals
> ### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
> Please feel free to add your own commentary.
>   - [ ] Initial setup
>   - [ ] Working towards first release
>   - [X] Community building
>   - [ ] Nearing graduation
>   - [ ] Other:
> ### Date of last release:
>   * 2019-10-31 0.20.2-incubating-rc1.  
>   * The release has been created in the repo.  
>   * New committers are learning the process as they work through this 
>   release.  
>   * It is currently in flight still a new release vote has not been sent 
>   out as of 2019/11/04
> ### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
>   * Two new committers (Xiaoyao Qian, Siming Weng) were elected and invited 
>   on Oct 18th, 2019.
>   No new PPMC members were elected.
> ### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
>   * Yes, we have got some suggestions from mentors.  They have been helpful 
>   and responsive.
> ### Signed-off-by:
>   - [ ] (heron) Jake Farrell  
>      Comments:  
>   - [ ] (heron) Julien Le Dem  
>      Comments:  
>   - [ ] (heron) P. Taylor Goetz  
>      Comments:  
>   - [X] (heron) Dave Fisher  
>      Comments:  Voting on New PPMC members and committers is nearly complete.
> ### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
> --------------------
> ## PageSpeed
> PageSpeed represents a series of open source technologies to
> help make the web faster by rewriting web pages to reduce
> latency and bandwidth.
> PageSpeed has been incubating since 2017-09-30.
> ### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
>   1. Produce first release
>   2. Grow the number of active developers
>   3.
> ### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
> We need more IPMC votes on a proposed release candidate which has passed our
> own PMC review.
> ### How has the community developed since the last report?
> User-activity is healthy as always. Developer activity is still limited
> to the original contributor group, plus recently a new committer (lofesa@).
> ### How has the project developed since the last report?
> - There is a release staged in review with some good fixes & features.
> - Work on modernizing the project's build system has progressed well.
> - Also, there is a PoC for running PageSpeed via Envoy, which opens a great 
> path
>   towards materializing a 2.0 version.
> ### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
> Please feel free to add your own commentary.
>   - [ ] Initial setup
>   - [X] Working towards first release
>   - [X] Community building
>   - [ ] Nearing graduation
>   - [ ] Other:
> ### Date of last release:
> ### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
>   May 27 2019 (Longinos Ferrando, elected as both committer and PMC member)
> ### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
>   Are things falling through the cracks? If so, please list any
>   open issues that need to be addressed.
> ### Signed-off-by:
>   - [ ] (pagespeed) Jukka Zitting  
>      Comments:  
>   - [ ] (pagespeed) Leif Hedstrom  
>      Comments:  
>   - [X] (pagespeed) Nick Kew  
>      Comments:  
>   - [ ] (pagespeed) Phil Sorber  
>      Comments:  
> ### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
> --------------------
> ## Pinot
> Pinot is a distributed columnar storage engine that can ingest data in real-
> time and serve analytical queries at low latency.
> Pinot has been incubating since 2018-10-17.
> ### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
>   1. Streamline Pinot releases (currently blocked due to helix bugs)
>   2. More commits from wider community
> ### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
>   No
> ### How has the community developed since the last report?
>   Multiple design and code checkins from the community:
>    1. Parquet/ORC support for ingestion
>    2. Better integration with Kubernetes
>    3. (In progress) Null value support
> ### How has the project developed since the last report?
>    1. Significant progress in SQL support (distinct, order by)
>    2. Completed design of schema updates, implementation starting
>    3. Progress in design of realtime segment completion, some implementation
> ### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
> Please feel free to add your own commentary.
>   - [ ] Initial setup
>   - [ ] Working towards first release
>   - [ ] Community building
>   - [X] Nearing graduation
>   - [ ] Other:
> ### Date of last release:
>   2019-02-15
> ### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
>   No answer.
> ### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
>   No answer.
> ### Signed-off-by:
>   - [ ] (pinot) Kishore Gopalakrishna  
>      Comments:  
>   - [X] (pinot) Jim Jagielski  
>      Comments:  
>   - [ ] (pinot) Roman Shaposhnik  
>      Comments:  
>   - [X] (pinot) Olivier Lamy  
>      Comments:  
>   - [X] (pinot) Felix Cheung  
>      Comments:  good progress.. how can we grow more committers? also dev@ 
>      traffic is very light - only 9 threads in the last 3 months.
> ### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
>         Dave Fisher - I see the start of a VOTE for a committer on private@
>                 There has been no response from other PPMC members. That is 
> disappointing.
>                 This could be because most of the PPMC members are not 
> subscribed to
>                 private@. This includes one of the Mentors who signed off on 
> the report.
> --------------------
> ## Ratis
> Ratis is a java implementation for RAFT consensus protocol
> Ratis has been incubating since 2017-01-03.
> ### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
>   1. Podling name search.
>   2. Complete graduation template
>   3. Expand PPMC members
> ### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
> None
> ### How has the community developed since the last report?
>   - 4 new contributors. 65 contributors in total.
>   - 1 new committer
>   - 1 new PPMC members
>   - Total 22 committers and PPMC members.
> ### How has the project developed since the last report?
> 60 commits. Version 0.4.0 released.
> ### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
> Please feel free to add your own commentary.
>   - [X] Initial setup
>   - [X] Working towards first release
>   - [X] Community building
>   - [X] Nearing graduation
>   - [ ] Other:
> ### Date of last release:
>   2019-09-19
> ### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
>   - 09/11/2019 - Ankit Singhal as Committer<br>
>   - 09/13/2019 - Shashikant Banerjee as PPMC member
> ### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
>   Are things falling through the cracks? If so, please list any
>   open issues that need to be addressed.
> ### Signed-off-by:
>   - [ ] (ratis) Jakob Homan  
>      Comments:  
>   - [ ] (ratis) Uma Maheswara Rao G  
>      Comments:  
>   - [ ] (ratis) Devaraj Das  
>      Comments:  
> ### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
> --------------------
> ## S2Graph
> S2Graph is a distributed and scalable OLTP graph database built on Apache
> HBase to support fast traversal of extremely large graphs.
> S2Graph has been incubating since 2015-11-29.
> ### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
>   1. Make the third release.
>   2. Attract more users and contributors.
>   3. Build the developer community in both size and diversity.
> ### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
>   None
> ### How has the community developed since the last report?
>   * Not much activities.
>   * There was a meetup with active committers and a mentor to discuss how to 
> grow the community.
>     Summary in @dev list: [1] 
> ### How has the project developed since the last report?
>   * No issues has been resolved.
> ### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
> Please feel free to add your own commentary.
>   - [ ] Initial setup
>   - [ ] Working towards first release
>   - [X] Community building
>   - [ ] Nearing graduation
>   - [ ] Other:
> ### Date of last release:
>   2017-08-26
> ### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
>   2019-02-05
> ### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
>   * Our mentor is very helpful and responsive.
> ### Signed-off-by:
>   - [ ] (s2graph) Sergio Fernández  
>      Comments:  
>   - [X] (s2graph) Woonsan Ko  
>      Comments: In my visit in Seoul, I met the three active committers - 
> Daewon, Do Yung and
> Hwansung - over lunch, chatting informally face-to-face for the first time 
> about how to grow our community. There has not been much project / community 
> activity for last 1 year, but they were passionate to stay in the community 
> and started reorganizing their work/time, trying to improve developer's 
> experience and accessibility, considering to support Java Client or even 
> Spring Boot for new people, by which they believe they can help grow the 
> community. There's no specific decision made yet but we agreed to continue 
> discussion in the mailinglist. It was great for me as a mentor too to 
> understand each other. See [1] for detail.
> ### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
> --------------------
> ## SDAP
> SDAP is an integrated data analytic center for Big Science problems.
> SDAP has been incubating since 2017-10-22.
> ### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
>   1. Make official SDAP (Incubating) Release
>   2. Improve/create user guide documentation
>   3. Improve committer participation
> ### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
>   No. 
> ### How has the community developed since the last report?
>   Interest in the project has increased after presentation at ApacheCon. 
>   New `#sdap` channel created on
> ### How has the project developed since the last report?
>   Frank Greguska attended ApacheCon NA and presented an overview of SDAP.
>   Discussion about what is necessary to produce a release were beneficial 
>   and the path forward is clear. Goal is to get a source release before the 
>   end of the year.
> ### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
>   There are several deployments of SDAP actively being used and interest is 
>   high. However, active participation from project members is low. First 
>   source release should be coming soon.
> Please feel free to add your own commentary.
>   - [x] Initial setup
>   - [x] Working towards first release
>   - [x] Community building
>   - [ ] Nearing graduation
>   - [ ] Other:
> ### Date of last release:
> ### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
>   Maya Debellis was elected as a committer on 2019-02-08
> ### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
>   Yes, Trevor has been helpful and responsive. Have not heard from Jörn 
>   recently.
> ### Signed-off-by:
>   - [ ] (sdap) Jörn Rottmann  
>      Comments:  
>   - [x] (sdap) Trevor Grant  
>      Comments:  
> ### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
> --------------------
> ## Tamaya
> Tamaya is a highly flexible configuration solution based on an modular,
> extensible and injectable key/value based design, which should provide a
> minimal but extendible modern and functional API leveraging SE, ME and EE
> environments.
> Tamaya has been incubating since 2014-11-14.
> ### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
>   1. Finish getting our release candidate out.
>   2. Grow the PPMC from the existing community.
>   3. Blog and publish more about Tamaya.
> ### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
>   Release candidate vote is still pending (2 more +1 votes are needed to 
>   get the RC out).
> ### How has the community developed since the last report?
>   No changes, Julian helped out as a new mentor.
> ### How has the project developed since the last report?
>   Started forging a new release, had 5 RC.
> ### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
> Please feel free to add your own commentary.
>   - [ ] Initial setup
>   - [ ] Working towards first release
>   - [X] Community building
>   - [X] Nearing graduation
>   - [ ] Other:
> ### Date of last release:
>   2017-05-28 0.3-incubating
> ### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
>   * 2018-12: Aaron Coburn
>   * 2018-12: William Lieurance
> ### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
>   New mentor Julian is very helpful as he is present to help out and guide.
> ### Signed-off-by:
>   - [ ] (tamaya) John D. Ament  
>      Comments:  
>   - [ ] (tamaya) David Blevins  
>      Comments:  
>   - [ ] (tamaya) Kanchana Pradeepika Welagedara  
>      Comments:  
>   - [x] (tamaya) Julian Feinauer  
>      Comments:  
> ### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
> --------------------
> ## Toree
> Toree provides applications with a mechanism to interactively and remotely
> access Apache Spark.
> Toree has been incubating since 2015-12-02.
> ### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
>   1.Increase active contributors
>   2.
>   3.
> ### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
>   None
> ### How has the community developed since the last report?
>   Toree was presented at ApacheCon Las Vegas with a good set of 
>   users/contrinutors present to the talk. On the community side,
>   a few contributions coming on around making the current implementation
>   a little more flexible for concurrent code as well as support for
>   Spark 2.4 and Scala 2.12.
> ### How has the project developed since the last report?
>   Slow, but steady stream of issues and PRs. 
> ### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
> Please feel free to add your own commentary.
>   - [ ] Initial setup
>   - [ ] Working towards first release
>   - [ ] Community building
>   - [X] Nearing graduation
>   - [ ] Other:
> ### Date of last release:
>   2018-11-13
> ### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
>   Kevin Bates was added to the PPMC on 2019-08-14
> ### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
>   There was nothing requiring mentor intervention on the last quarter.
> ### Signed-off-by:
>   - [X] (toree) Luciano Resende  
>      Comments:  
>   - [ ] (toree) Julien Le Dem  
>      Comments:  
>   - [X] (toree) Ryan Blue
>      Comments:
>         Does the community plan to do another release? It's been nearly a
>         year since the last. With a "slow, but steady stream of issues and
>         PRs" I suspect that some of those contributors would like to get a
>         released version with their contributions. For this community, it
>         may be a good idea to consider time-based releases to ensure that
>         contributors get to use their contributions in an official release.
> ### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
> --------------------
> ## Training
> The Training project aims to develop resources which can be used for
> training purposes in various media formats, languages and for various Apache
> and non-Apache target projects.
> Training has been incubating since 2019-02-21.
> ### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
>   1. Promote the information about Apache Training Project with increased 
>      participation from community
>   2. Take the technology stack to become more user-friendly
>   3. Scout for more content and ingest it in the project
> ### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
>   no critical issues at this point in time
> ### How has the community developed since the last report?
>   - The dev mailing list is active. Community is gaining traction with 
>     new contributors getting added to Apache Training project. 
>   - The total number of posts in August 60, September 94, October 174. 
>     In October, some new contributors have started active discussions 
>     on the Training project. There are ongoing discussions to use 
>     Docker, and new kind of review commit model for content contribution.
>   - We created JIRA contributors group.
> ### How has the project developed since the last report?
>   - We added more content to the Training project. E.g. Spark slides, 
>     Apache Ignite intro slides, Github workshop slides, ApacheCon slides
>   - We also added a GitHub puzzle to Training content.
>   - We initiated work to Dockerize the tools used in project.
>   - We started new policy for reviewing content contribution.
>   - We have delivered our first release during which we ironed out a 
>     few issues.
>   - The release contains the training slides in Asciidoctor, so that 
>     these can be run as slideshow.
>   - The release followed the voting process and was made available on 
>     Github for general public. 
>   - There were multiple talks about the Training project at both 
>     ApacheCons this year
> ### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
> Please feel free to add your own commentary.
>   - [ ] Initial setup
>   - [ ] Working towards first release
>   - [X] Community building
>   - [ ] Nearing graduation
>   - [ ] Other:
> ### Date of last release:
>   2019-10-04: Apache Training (incubating) - Navigating the ASF 
>   Incubator Process 1.0, Announce
>   It can be viewed online here:
> ### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
>   n.a.
> ### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
>   Are things falling through the cracks? If so, please list any
>   open issues that need to be addressed.
>   Mentors were responsive. Things are not falling through the cracks.
> ### Signed-off-by:
>   - [ ] (training) Craig Russell  
>      Comments:  
>   - [X] (training) Christofer Dutz  
>      Comments:  
>   - [ ] (training) Justin Mclean  
>      Comments:  
>   - [X] (training) Lars Francke  
>      Comments:  
> ### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
> --------------------
> ## Tuweni
> Tuweni is a set of libraries and other tools to aid development of
> blockchain and other decentralized software in Java and other JVM languages.
> Tuweni has been incubating since 2019-03-25.
> ### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
>   1. Building community
>   2. Building a roadmap for the next few major releases
>   3. Perform the last checks for official releases wrt crypto
> ### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
>   No issues.
> ### How has the community developed since the last report?
>   We have had more contributions from at least one developer.
> ### How has the project developed since the last report?
>   We have successfully released 0.9, with a nice participation
>   of the existing developer community.
> ### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
> Please feel free to add your own commentary.
>   - [ ] Initial setup
>   - [ ] Working towards first release
>   - [X] Community building
>   - [ ] Nearing graduation
>   - [ ] Other:
> ### Date of last release:
>   2019-10-16
> ### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
>   Gordon Martin as committer on 2019-08-01.
> ### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
>   Yes, very much so, thank you!
> ### Signed-off-by:
>   - [X] (tuweni) Jim Jagielski  
>      Comments:  
>   - [ ] (tuweni) Kenneth Knowles  
>      Comments:  
>   - [ ] (tuweni) Jean-Baptiste Onofré  
>      Comments:  
>   - [X] (tuweni) Michael Wall  
>      Comments: Currently working on growing community.  
>   - [X] (tuweni) Furkan Kamaci  
>      Comments:  
> ### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
> --------------------
> APISIX is a cloud-native microservices API gateway, delivering the ultimate 
> performance, security, open source and scalable platform for all your APIs 
> and microservices.
> APISIX is based on Nginx and etcd. Compared with traditional API gateways, 
> APISIX has dynamic routing and plug-in hot loading, which is especially 
> suitable for API management under micro-service system.
> ### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating
>   1. Make an Apache release
>   2. More committers and PPMC members
>   3. Branding issues in the documentation, code, website, etc.
> ### How has the community developed since the last report?
>   - Learning Apache way and its value behind rules, working in Apache way.
>   - Our Apache website is constructed.
>   - We have 12 committers and 35 contributors (including 12 committers) 
>   contributing to Apache APISIX.
>   - Over 13 company users have announced that they are using APISIX and more 
>   than 50% of them also submitted code or fixed the documentation for APISIX 
>   :
> ### How has the project developed since the last report?
>   The project has been quite health, with ~50 pull requests being merged in 
>   October. These pull requests are authored by a diverse set of 
>   contributors(~30 authors last month).
>   Some highlights of recent developments:
>   - APISIX support etcd V3.
>   - Supported cluster limit-req and limit-conn.
>   We are planning to have a 0.9.0 release in November.
> ### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
> Please feel free to add your own commentary.
>   - [ ] Initial setup
>   - [X] Working towards first release
>   - [ ] Community building
>   - [ ] Nearing graduation
>   - [ ] Other:
> ### Date of last release:
>   None
> ### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
>   No new committers nor PPMC members have been added.
> ### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
>   Mentors are responsive and helpful. Things tend to be on the right way.
> ### Signed-off-by:
>  - [ ] (APISIX) Willem Ning Jiang  
>       Comments:  
>  - [ ] (APISIX) Justin Mclean  
>       Comments:  
>  - [x] (APISIX) Kevin Ratnasekera  
>       Comments:  
>  - [ ] (APISIX) Von Gosling  
>       Comments:
> ### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
> --------------------
> ## MesaTEE
> MesaTEE is the next-gen solution to enable general computing service for 
> security-critical scenarios. It will allow even the most sensitive data to 
> be securely processed to enable offshore businesses without leakage.
> Doris has been incubating since 2019-08-19.
> ### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:
>   1. Finish the initial setup for MesaTEE and its sub-repos.
>   2. Choose a suitable name for MesaTEE and rename the repos.
>   3. Make the access control mechanism and RPC framework more scalable and 
>   ergonomic.
> ### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
>   No answer.
> ### How has the community developed since the last report?
>   Now we have 12 contributors for MesaTEE main repo, and 16 contributors for 
>   MesaTEE-SGX. Since the first day of incubation, MesaTEE merged 3 PRs from 
>   the community, and MesaTEE-SGX merged 7 PRs from the community.
>   It is worth mention that the comprehensive tests of MesaTEE and MesaTEE-SGX 
>   helped finding bugs in their dependencies, and we managed to fix them in 
>   upstream libraries. One case is the "official" numeric library family of 
>   Rust ecosystem: rust-num. It's build script did not work well with 
>   MesaTEE's build system and we filed [num-traits issue 
>   139]( Then we fixed in 
>   [PR 140]( More fixes in 
>   this family are pending to merge. Another case is in the official Intel SGX 
>   SDK. MesaTEE-SGX's CI reported failure after migrating to Intel SGX SDK 
>   v2.7 release. We created [linux-sgx issue 
>   457]( and Intel resolved it a 
>   week later in [PR 461]( 
> ### How has the project developed since the last report?
>   Since the MesaTEE project joined incubator, we improved its build system, 
>   SDK, CLI, and fit it to the latest Intel SGX SDK v2.6. MesaTEE-SGX and its 
>   ecosystem has been periodically updated so as to eliminate 
>   bugs/vulnerabilities from 3rd party libraries.
>   We just finished repo transfer for MesaTEE-SGX, and we are still working on 
>   repo transfer for MesaTEE main repo.
> ### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
> Please feel free to add your own commentary.
>   - [x] Initial setup
>   - [ ] Working towards first release
>   - [ ] Community building
>   - [ ] Nearing graduation
>   - [ ] Other:
> ### Date of last release:
>   N/A
> ### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
>   N/A
> ### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
>   Luciano helped us a lot. He helped with catching up the schedule and the 
>   SGA. We learned a lot from him and started managing MesaTEE in Apache's 
>   style.
>   Zhijie Shen helped us a lot with the initial setup, such as signing the 
>   iCLA, account creation, mailing lists.
>   We appreciate the help from the mentor group. Mentors are really 
>   professional and helpful!
> ### Signed-off-by:
>  - [x] (MesaTEE) Felix Cheung  
>       Comments: 
>  - [ ] (MesaTEE) Furkan Kamaci  
>       Comments: 
>  - [ ] (MesaTEE) Jianyong Dai  
>       Comments: 
>  - [ ] (MesaTEE) Luciano Resende  
>       Comments: 
>  - [ ] (MesaTEE) Matt Sicker  
>       Comments: 
>  - [ ] (MesaTEE) Zhijie Shen  
>       Comments:  
> ### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
> ...
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