+1 Binding


On 10/30/2019 3:08 AM, Kevin Ratnasekera wrote:
> +1 ( binding )
> On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 10:38 AM vintagewang <vintagew...@apache.org> wrote:
>> +1
>> On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 9:48 AM David Nalley <da...@gnsa.us> wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> The [DISCUSS] thread on TubeMQ has died down.
>>> Accordingly, I would like to call a VOTE to accept TubeMQ into the
>>> Apache Incubator.
>>> Please cast your vote:
>>>   [ ] +1, bring TubeMQ into the Incubator
>>>   [ ] +0, I don't care either way
>>>   [ ] -1, do not bring TubeMQ into the Incubator, because...
>>> The vote will open at least for 72 hours and only votes from the
>>> Incubator PMC are binding, but votes from everyone are welcome.
>>> =Abstract=
>>> TubeMQ is a distributed messaging queue (MQ) system developed by
>>> Tencent Big Data since 2013. It focuses on high-performance storage
>>> and transmission of massive data in big data scenarios.After nearly
>>> seven years of massive data precipitation, TubeMQ has certain
>>> advantages in production practice (stability + performance) and low
>>> cost compared to many open source MQ projects.
>>> =Proposal=
>>> TubeMQ is suitable for high concurrency, massive data and tolerates a
>>> small amount of data loss scenarios under abnormal conditions, such as
>>> massive log collection, indicator statistics and monitoring, etc.
>>> TubeMQ does not support highly reliable data transmission services
>>> yet. It could be on a future project roadmap, as many other MQs. but
>>> not today.
>>> =Rationale=
>>> Just like other message queue systems, TubeMQ is built on the
>>> publish-subscribe pattern, aka pub-sub.
>>> In this pattern, producers publish messages to topics while consumers
>>> subscribe to those topics. After incoming messages get proceeded,
>>> consumers send an acknowledgement back to producer. Once a
>>> subscription has been created, all messages will be tracked and
>>> retained by TubeMQ, even if the consumer go offline for some reasons.
>>> Retained messages will be discarded only when a consumer acknowledges
>>> that they've been successfully processed.
>>> Portal is responsible for interact with user and admin system which
>>> include two parts: API and web portal.
>>> Master is controller of the cluster, which include one or multiple
>>> master node(s) which is responsible for managing state of cluster,
>>> resource scheduling, authentication check and maintaining of metadata.
>>> As a reliable system, TubeMQ provides HA solution for master node.
>>> Broker is responsible for data store which include a cluster of broker
>>> nodes. Every broker node is managing a set of topics, include: append,
>>> delete, update, query of topic information. In TubeMQ, these brokers
>>> can be horizontal scaled and can be very large size for massive data
>>> case.
>>> Client is responsible for producing and consuming messages. When a
>>> pub-sub topic get setup, we can support two ways (push and pull) for
>>> delivering message from producers to consumers.
>>> Zookeeper is for storing offset of messages which is used to recover
>>> topic during some components get failed.
>>> =Initial Goals=
>>> The initial goal will be to move the current codebase in github’s
>>> repository under Tencent account to Apache and integrate with the
>>> Apache development process and infrastructure.
>>> A primary goal of incubation will be to grow and diversify the TubeMQ
>>> community. We are well aware that the project community is largely
>>> comprised of individuals from a single company. We aim to change that
>>> during incubation.
>>> =Current Status=
>>> As previously mentioned, TubeMQ is under active development at
>>> Tencent, and is being used in processing large volumes of data for
>>> most services and products.
>>> =Meritocracy=
>>> We value meritocracy and we understand that it is the basis for an
>>> open community that encourages multiple companies and individuals to
>>> contribute and be invested in the project’s future. We will encourage
>>> and monitor participation and make sure to extend privileges and
>>> responsibilities to all contributors.
>>> =Community=
>>> TubeMQ is currently being used by developers at Tencent and a growing
>>> number of users are actively using it in production environments.
>>> TubeMQ has received contributions from developers working outside of
>>> Tencent since it was open sourced on github in September 2019 By
>>> bringing TubeMQ to Apache we aim to assure current and future
>>> contributors that the TubeMQ community is neutral, meritocratic, and
>>> open, in order to broaden and diversity the user and developer
>>> community.
>>> =Core Developers=
>>> TubeMQ was initially developed at Tencent and is under active
>>> development. We believe Tencent will be of interest to a broad range
>>> of users and developers and that incubating the project at the ASF
>>> will help us build a diverse, sustainable community.
>>> =Alignment=
>>> TubeMQ utilizes other Apache projects such as Hadoop, HBase and
>>> Zookeeper. We anticipate integration with additional Apache projects
>>> as the TubeMQ community and interest in the project grows.
>>> =Known Risks=
>>> ==Orphaned Products==
>>> Tencent is committed to the future development of TubeMQ and
>>> understands that graduation to a TLP, while preferable, is not the
>>> only positive outcome of incubation.
>>> Should the TubeMQ project be accepted by the Incubator, the
>>> prospective PPMC would be willing to agree to a target incubation
>>> period of 2 years or less, knowing that every Incubator project incurs
>>> a certain cost in terms of ASF infrastructure and volunteer time.
>>> ==Inexperience with Open Source==
>>> Three of the initial committers are Apache Members and Incubator PMC
>>> Members. This will help acclimate the community members to working in
>>> the Apache Way.
>>> ==Homogenous Developers==
>>> The majority of the committers work at Tencent, though we are
>>> committed to recruiting and developing additional committers from a
>>> wide spectrum of industries and backgrounds. Since being open sourced,
>>> many contributors that are outside of Tencent have engaged and begun
>>> contributing to the project.
>>> ==Reliance on Salaried Developers==
>>> It is expected that Tencent development will occur on both salaried
>>> time and on volunteer time, after hours. Most of the initial
>>> committers are paid by Tencent to contribute to this project. However,
>>> they are all passionate about the project, and we are both confident
>>> and hopeful that the project will continue even if no salaried
>>> developers contribute to the project.
>>> ==Relationships with Other Apache Products==
>>> As mentioned in the Rationale section, TubeMQ utilizes a number of
>>> existing Apache projects (Avro, Zookeeper, etc.), and we expect that
>>> list to expand as the community grows and diversifies. Any Apache
>>> project in the big data space that needs to process data in streaming
>>> way would be potentially relevant, such as Flink, Spark Streaming,
>>> etc. To provide convenient access to event streams served by TubeMQ,
>>> we plan to open source connectors to different stream computation
>>> engines. With these connectors, Spark and Flink can read and write
>>> data directly from/to topics served by TubeM.
>>> ==An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand==
>>> We are applying to the Incubator process because we think it is the
>>> next logical step for the TubeMQ project after open-sourcing the code.
>>> This proposal is not for the purpose of generating publicity. Rather,
>>> we want to make sure to create a very inclusive and meritocratic
>>> community, outside the umbrella of a single company. Tencent has a
>>> long history of contributing to Apache projects and the TubeMQ
>>> developers and contributors understand the implication of making it an
>>> Apache project.
>>> =Required Resources=
>>> Mailing lists
>>>   d...@tubemq.incubator.apache.org
>>>   comm...@tubemq.incubator.apache.org
>>>   priv...@tubemq.incubator.apache.org
>>> The podling may also create a user mailing list, if needed.
>>> Source Control(gitbox) and Issue Tracking(Github issues)
>>> =Current Resources=
>>> Initial source: github.com/Tencent/TubeMQ
>>> Initial documentation
>>> =Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan=
>>> The TubeMQ source code in Github is currently licensed under Apache
>>> License v2.0 and the copyright is assigned to Tencent. If TubeMQ
>>> becomes an Incubator project at the ASF, Tencent will transfer the
>>> source code and trademark ownership to the Apache Software Foundation
>>> via a Software Grant Agreement.
>>> =External Dependencies=
>>> ==External dependencies licensed under Apache License 2.0==
>>> citrus                        r3.1.4
>> https://github.com/webx/citrus
>>> commons-cli <https://github.com/webx/citruscommons-cli>            1.2
>>>            https://github.com/apache/commons-cli
>>> commons-codec <https://github.com/apache/commons-clicommons-codec>
>>> 1.10
>>> https://github.com/apache/commons-codec
>>> commons-lang         2.6
>>> https://github.com/apache/commons-lang
>>> commons-io <https://github.com/apache/commons-langcommons-io>
>>>  2.1               https://github.com/apache/commons-io
>>> easymock                 2.5.2
>>> https://github.com/easymock/easymock
>>> fastjson                    1.2.60
>>> https://github.com/alibaba/fastjson
>>> guava                       13.0         https://github.com/google/guava
>>> hbase                     0.94.27
>>> https://github.com/apache/hbase
>>> ini4j                          0.5.1
>>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/ini4j
>>> mina                     apache-2.0.12-src
>>> https://github.com/apache/mina
>>> netty                     3.8.0.Final
>>> https://github.com/netty/netty
>>> openmct         v0.9.0
>>> https://gitee.com/ford25v6/openmct
>>> powermock              1.6.5
>>> https://github.com/powermock/powermock
>>> velocity                     1.7
>>> https://github.com/apache/velocity-engine
>>> velocity-tools         2.0
>>> https://github.com/apache/velocity-tools
>>> zookeeper                3.4.3
>>> https://github.com/apache/zookeeper
>>> Apache Avro         1.7.6
>>> https://github.com/apache/avro
>>> jetty                          6.1.26
>>> http://central.maven.org/maven2/org/mortbay/jetty
>>> Berkeley DB       Java Edition 7.3.7
>>> http://download.oracle.com/otn/berkeley-db
>>> spring-core         4.1.6.RELEASE
>>> https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework
>>> spring-context   4.1.6.RELEASE
>>> https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework
>>> spring-jdbc        4.1.6.RELEASE
>>> https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework
>>> spring-orm        4.1.6.RELEASE
>>> https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework
>>> servlet-api            2.5
>>> http://central.maven.org/maven2/org/mortbay/jetty/servlet-api
>>> jackson-mapper-asl 1.9.13
>>> http://www.java2s.com/Code/JarDownload/jackson-mapper
>>> Metamorphosis   metamorphosis-all-1.4.4
>>> https://github.com/killme2008/Metamorphosis
>>> ==External dependencies licensed under the MIT License==
>>> datatables 1.10.7
>>> https://github.com/DataTables/DataTables
>>> JustWriting 1.0.0
>>> https://github.com/GingJan/JustWriting
>>> jquery             1.11.3
>>> https://github.com/jquery/jquery
>>> slf4j <https://github.com/jquery/jqueryslf4j>             1.6.2
>>>              https://github.com/qos-ch/slf4j
>>> mockito 2.0.2-beta           https://github.com/mockito/mockito
>>> ==External dependencies licensed under the New BSD License==
>>> protobuf   2.5.0
>> https://github.com/google/protobuf
>>> ==External dependencies licensed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0==
>>> junit               4.11
>>> https://github.com/junit-team/junit4
>>> ==Cryptography==
>>> Not applicable.
>>> =Initial Committers=
>>> Goson Zhang
>>> Guangxu Cheng gxch...@apache.org
>>> Jerry Shao js...@apache.org
>>> Jie Jiang
>>> Junjie Chen
>>> Junping Du junping...@apache.org
>>> Kayne Wu
>>> Lamber Liu
>>> Osgoo Li
>>> Peng Chen
>>> Sijie Guo
>>> Xiang Li xian...@apache.org
>>> Yiheng Wang
>>> Yuhong Liu
>>> Zak Wu
>>> Zili Chen ti...@apache.org
>>> =Sponsors=
>>> Champion and mentor: David Nalley ke4...@apache.org (ASF Member,
>>> Incubator PMC)
>>> Mentors: Junping Du junpin...@apache.org (ASF Member, Incubator PMC)
>>>                Justin Mclain jmcl...@apache.org (ASF Member, VP of
>>> Incubator)
>>>                Sijie Guo si...@apache.org (ASF Member, Incubator PMC)
>>>                Zhijie Shen zjs...@apache.org (ASF Member, Incubator PMC)
>>>                Jean-Baptiste Onofre jbono...@apache.org (ASF Member,
>>> Incubator PMC)
>>> =Sponsoring Entity=
>>> The Apache Incubator
>>> [1]
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INCUBATOR/TubeMQ+Proposal
>>> - Side note that the wiki page has an informative graphic, which is
>>> not present in this email.
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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>>> For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
Kevin A. McGrail

Member, Apache Software Foundation
Chair Emeritus Apache SpamAssassin Project
https://www.linkedin.com/in/kmcgrail - 703.798.0171

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