Y'all this is a great opportunity to highlight your community to potential
contributors, and to network with other Apache Software Foundation
contributors.  I highly recommend this event.

Roman, once you get a tweet out, let me know and I'll retweet.  : o)

Best Regards,

On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 10:45 PM Roman Shaposhnik <r...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Podlings!
> in less than a month we're going to have our first
> ApacheCON this year -- the one in Las Vegas. In
> about two month there will be one more in Berlin.
> These are not your regular ApacheCONs -- these are
> 20th Anniversary of ASF ApacehCONs! In other words,
> these are not to be missed!
> And even if your talk didn't get accepted -- you still
> get an opportunity to highlight your project to, what's
> likely going to be the biggest audience attending.
> Here's how: if you (or any community member who's
> passionate about your project) are going to be at either
> of those ApacheCONs consider signing up for
>     Podling's Shark Tank
> events:
>     https://www.apachecon.com/acna19/s/#/scheduledEvent/1038
>     https://aceu19.apachecon.com/session/podlings-shark-tank
> Each project presenting will get ~10 min for the pitch and ~5 min
> of panel grilling them on all sorts of things. Kind of like this ;-)
>      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmenN7NEdBc
> You've got nothing to lose (in fact, the opposite: you're likely to get
> a prize!) and you will get a chance to receive feedback that might
> actually help you grow your community and ultimately graduate to the
> TLP status. And! Given our awesome panel of judges:
>      * Myrle Krantz
>      * Justin Mclean
>      * Craig Russel
>      * Shane Curcuru
> We guarantee this to be a fun and useful event for your community!
> We will be tracking signups over here:
>      https://wiki.apache.org/apachecon/ACNA19PodlingSharkTank
>      https://wiki.apache.org/apachecon/ACEU19PodlingSharkTank
> but for now:
> SIMPLY REPLY TO THIS EMAIL if you're interested.
> It is first come, first serve -- so don't delay -- sign up today!
> Thanks,
> Roman.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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