
Please take this as friendly advice with with a bit of experience and personal 
opinion thrown in. (if that intent is not obvious).

> * "parallel votes" is a technique to reduce the lag between dev@ and
> general@ by starting the IPMC vote slightly after, but before
> conclusion of the PPMC one. This may have only been tried once (in
> Zipkin) and met resistance.

Please start a new thread where this can be discussed as an option. I think the 
main issue will be that it takes up too much of a limited resource (i.e. IPMC 
volunteer time) and it's better to have the podling checks first, especially 
for technical issues. I've seen some releases go though a dozen release 
candidates before being put up to the IPMC, I don’t think the IPMC would like 
to see those dozen release candidates and to have them withdrawn each time. I 
understand that it feels inconvenient to podlings who may be used to making 
technical releases without voting on them and not checking for licensing and 
other issues previously. It could possibly be an option, if approved by the 
IPMC, for podlings who have previously made 100% compliant releases.

> * "bundled votes" is a technique where multiple repos are sent in a
> single vote. This is much more efficient for coupled repos than
> pipelining. OpenWhisk uses this and don't appear to have met
> resistance.

That is fine but the IPMC will likely complain if it contains too many release 
artefacts or it may not attract enough votes due to time commitment required to 
review. There's also a risk that if one artefact is broken you need to make 
another release candidate of everything, meaning more work for a podling.

> * not all repos need to actually release prior to graduation. Both
> Dubbo and OpenWhisk had unreleased repos when they called for
> graduation.

The point here is not that all repos need to have releases or be moved over 
before graduation but that the podling needs to show that it can make releases 
on it own that conform to all legal, release, distribution and other ASF 
policies. Actually deeper than just that, that the PPMC can recognise issues 
when they occur, and most importantly self-correct on their own. They need to 
embody the ASF values (usually referred as the Apache Way) in the way they act, 
their structure, how they recognises merit and how they makes decisions. 
Learning to making releases is a part of that.

> * You are allowed to automate release process

Take care with this, most automation is not going to check or find everything. 
It not going to know if some code was copied from somewhere it shouldn’t be or 
that something is labeled as license A but actually contains something that is 
Category X or you don’t have the rights to distribute that cat photo. It will 
catch obvious errors and is really good at that. A PPMC needs to learn why we 
have these policies and the values under them not just apply "the rules”, using 
automation in this way  IMO is a little problematic during incubation as it can 
hide what the podling needs to show they understand before graduating. I would 
guess 1/3 to 1/4 of the serious issues the IPMC catches in releases, wouldn’t 
be found by automation or a script.

> * ASF tools like RAT and the release plugin are barely maintained in
> comparison with Incubator policy.

There's nothing in Rat that deals with incubator policy. Incubator policy is 
that releases need have a DISCLAIMER, have incubating in their name and be 
voted on by the IPMC. I think you mean to say ASF’s release, distribution, 
branding  or other policies? Rat highlights possible issues, it reports require 
interpretation and it requires tuning, but It’s in line with ASF's release 
policy as far as I’m aware. It tells you how files are likely to be licensed, 
what’s missing a header and what binary files you have. I’m not sure it claims 
to do more than that. It doesn’t check the content of LICENSE or NOTICE or many 
other things that are mentioned in ASF's policies.

BTW There's no obligation to use Rat, it just one of a bunch of helpful tools 
used to find release issues, a project can choose to look fro them how they 
want. It’s never going to find 100% of issues (see above). If you want 
something better (and more work) then Fossology (free) or Black Duck (not free) 
might be an option for your project.

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