
Recent discussions make me think that the Incubator should be
presented more as a service to incubating projects, rather than as the
Stern Gatekeeper to Apache Heaven, as we sometimes (unvoluntarily I
think) make it appear - mostly due to outdated and policy-heavy
content at http://incubator.apache.org/

To help with that I've set myself a goal to try and recreate the
Incubator website with just two pages (*):

-A homepage that describes our services and gives a quick overview of
the incubation process
-A cookbook with all the details, in chronological order of the
incubation journey, as concise as possible, with links to more
information where strictly needed

I've started a prototype of the cookbook at
http://incubator.apache.org/cookbook/ - each item is defined in its
own content file under
https://github.com/apache/incubator/tree/master/pages/cookbook to make
it easy to manage and organize.

If people like the idea, I'll continue fleshing it out to a point
where we it hopefully demonstrates that it's better than our current



(*) ok, ok we might need some appendices but those two pages should
get 99.456% of our traffic.

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