Hi, there I am a PPMC member of incubator-weex, there is some confusion about third-party domain and it seems like difficult to resolve in dev@ mailing list, maybe someone here could give a hand to solve the problem of domains.
1.I 'd like to know if there is a formal rule that projects should use xxx.apache.org instead of xxx.io, which is shorter and easier to remember. 2. we have another domain weex-project.io for fast access of Çhinese Developers as GFW have some confluence on https://weex.apache.org/cn/. Is this against rules for apache project. Best Regards, YorkShen 申远 ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Dan <faterr...@gmail.com> Date: 2019年2月15日周五 下午2:39 Subject: [DISCUSS] can we use weex.io as the short domain name for the apache project To: <d...@weex.incubator.apache.org> Hi, Myrle/Willem, Currently, we have a domain name of weex.io and want to use it to replace the previous weex-project.io domain name for the following reasons: 1. The domain name is shorter and easier to remember. 2. Apache's website has slower access to the developer in China, so there is a mirror website weex-project.io for Chinese developer. 3. We expect to support https on this website and support some of our own server functions, such as Q&A robots, article blog posts, etc. I would like to ask if apache has any restrictions on this third-party domain name, and look forward to hearing from you. Thanks, Dan