Hi everyone, we've discussed the proposal for the Training project in [1] and [2]. The proposal itself can be found on the wiki[3].
According to the Incubator rules[4] I'd like to call a vote to accept the new "Training" project as a podling in the Apache Incubator. A vote for accepting a new Apache Incubator podling is a majority vote. Everyone is welcome to vote, only Incubator PMC member votes are binding. It would be helpful (but not required) if you could add a comment stating whether your vote is binding or non-binding. This vote will run for at least 72 hours (but I expect to keep it open for longer). Please VOTE as follows: [ ] +1 Accept Training into the Apache Incubator [ ] +0 Abstain [ ] -1 Do not accept Training into the Apache Incubator because ... Thank you for everyone who decided to join in in the past discussions! Lars [1] < https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/5c00016b769135cc302bb2ce4e5f6bbfeeda933a07e9c38b5017d651@%3Cgeneral.incubator.apache.org%3E > [2] < https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/9cb4d7eef73e0d526e0124944c3d37325aa892675351a1eed0a25de3@%3Cgeneral.incubator.apache.org%3E > [3] <https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/TrainingProposal#preview> [4] < https://incubator.apache.org/policy/incubation.html#approval_of_proposal_by_sponsor >