
Draft incubator report has been put up here [1] 

We’re still missing reports from a number of podling and you only have a few 
days to get them in.

Feedback and edits welcome. Is there anything I’ve missed that should be 

Here’s the text of the main part of the report:

Incubator PMC report for February 2019

The Apache Incubator is the entry path into the ASF for projects and
codebases wishing to become part of the Foundation's efforts.

There are presently 51 podlings incubating. During the month of January,
podlings executed 3 distinct releases. We added no new IPMC members and 
had no IPMC members retire.

We have one new podling Hudi. No project graduated last month but several 
podlings are heading towards graduation in the next few months.

BatchEE took a vote to go to Apache Geronimo or TLP and decided on TLP and 
are back to being stuck in trying to graduate.

We're currently missing several podling report but hopefully they be 
submitted and have mentor sign-off on time.

There was one IP clearance.

The mentor situation is continuing to improve. One of the mentors for the 
new Hudi project realised he didn't have the time be be able to give to the 
project and stood down. Thanks to him for being able to recognising that he 
wasn't going to be an effective mentor. Other mentors stepped forward to do 
the job.

We have a problem with unapproved releases. A spot check on some (not all) 
projects reporting this month showed that five projects were making 
unapproved releases. Hopefully that's a statical aberration, but it seems 
likely that we probably have more codlings making unapproved releases than 
this. This has been brought up one the general list and I see a few 
projects have taken note of it.

Three of the project Doris, Pinot and Sharding Sphere responded quickly and 
removed the releases. SDAP is addressing the issue. ECharts is a little 
reluctant to remove the releases due to the high use and popularity of the 
project and is trying to find another way of resolving the situation. The 
board may need to be involved.

ECharts was also found to hosting a Chinese version of their incubating 
site at echarts dot baidu dot com. The PPMC is dealing with this.

Again a reminder to all incubating projects and mentors that all releases 
made available to the general public need to be approved by the PPMC and 
IPMC. This includes docker, githubb, PyPi, npm and any other platform for 
publishing releases, and also covers release candidates. If in doubt please 
ask your mentors or on the incubator general list.

Superset has not made an Apache release but is making progress towards one. 
They accidentally published a release candidate to GitHub but are sorting 
that out.

There was also an interesting discussion on binary releases on 
legal-discuss that could have some impact on the incubator.

New new project creating ASF training material may either go to straight to 
TLP or via the incubator. This did raise a few questions about how initial 
committers are selected.

* Community

  New IPMC members:
  - None

  People who left the IPMC:
  - None

* New Podlings
  - Hudi

* Podlings that failed to report, expected next month
 - BRPC?
 - Edgent?
 - Heron?
 - Iceberg?
 - PageSpeed?
 - Ratis?
 - S2Graph?
 - SDAP?
 - Toree?

* Graduations

  The board has motions for the following:
  - Unomi?

* Releases

  The following releases entered distribution during the month of
  - Apache Dubbo 2.7.0
  - Apache SkyWalking 6.0.0-GA
  - Apache Dubbo Spring Boot 0.2.1 and 0.1.2

* IP Clearance
  - Apache Arrow Rust DataFusion

* Legal / Trademarks

* Infrastructure

* Miscellaneous
  - vote to shut down some old unused incubator lists
  - discussion on what to do with retired podling repositories


1. https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/February2019
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