Sorry I misspoke, I won’t have time to be a *mentor* but the champion role
is what I’ve done so far and leads to the vote. so in the interest of not
blocking the submission, I would suggest that I stay as champion and be
removed as mentor while we add the volunteers who chimed in on this thread.

A candidate project shall be sponsored by an Officer
<> orMember
<> of the Foundation. The
Champion assists the candidate on their initial submission to a Sponsor.
While private conversations are not generally encouraged within the Apache
community, the Champion’s relationship with the Candidate should allow for
this in order to educate the Candidate about the Apache Way and prepare the
project for the questions and issues likely to be raised by the community.

Before incubation begins, the Champion is expected to: * help with any
process/ASF related hurdles before the Candidate enters incubation * help
find the right people in the ASF to speak with * help to find Mentors *
drive the process of entering the Incubator, leading to a vote to accept
the proposed podling

On Sat, Jan 5, 2019 at 14:56 Justin Mclean <> wrote:

> Hi,
> > I’m currently listed as the champion for this proposal but I just had a
> new
> > baby and I’m currently on paternity leave. I don’t think I’ll have the
> > bandwidth to properly champion the project.
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