
On Wed, 14 Nov 2018 at 03:07, Ryan Blue <b...@apache.org> wrote:

> The discuss thread seems to have reached consensus, so I propose accepting
> the Iceberg project for incubation.
> The proposal is copied below and in the wiki:
> https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/IcebergProposal
> Please vote on whether to accept Iceberg in the next 72 hours:
> [ ] +1, accept Iceberg for incubation
> [ ] -1, reject the Iceberg proposal because . . .
> Thank you for reviewing the proposal and voting,
> rb
> ------------------------------
> Iceberg Proposal Abstract
> Iceberg is a table format for large, slow-moving tabular data.
> It is designed to improve on the de-facto standard table layout built into
> Apache Hive, Presto, and Apache Spark.
> Proposal
> The purpose of Iceberg is to provide SQL-like tables that are backed by
> large sets of data files. Iceberg is similar to the Hive table layout, the
> de-facto standard structure used to track files in a table, but provides
> additional guarantees and performance optimizations:
>    - Atomicity - Each change to the table is will be complete or will fail.
>    “Do or do not. There is no try.”
>    - Snapshot isolation - Reads use one and only one snapshot of a table at
>    some time without holding a lock.
>    - Safe schema evolution - A table’s schema can change in well-defined
>    ways, without breaking older data files.
>    - Column projection - An engine may request a subset of the available
>    columns, including nested fields.
>    - Predicate pushdown - An engine can push filters into read planning to
>    improve performance using partition data and file-level statistics.
> Iceberg does NOT define a new file format. All data is stored in Apache
> Avro, Apache ORC, or Apache Parquet files.
> Additionally, Iceberg is designed to work well when data files are stored
> in cloud blob stores, even when those systems provide weaker guarantees
> than a file system, including:
>    - Eventual consistency in the namespace
>    - High latency for directory listings
>    - No renames of objects
>    - No folder hierarchy
> Rationale
> Initial benchmarks show dramatic improvements in query planning. For
> example, in Netflix’s Atlas use case, which stores time-series metrics from
> Netflix runtime systems and 1 month is stored across 2.7 million files in
> 2,688 partitions:
>    - Hive table using Parquet:
>       - 400k+ splits, not combined
>       - Explain query: 9.6 minutes wall time (planning only)
>    - Iceberg table with partition filtering:
>       - 15,218 splits, combined
>       - Planning: 10 seconds
>       - Query wall time: 13 minutes
>    - Iceberg table with partition and min/max filtering:
>       - 412 splits
>       - Planning: 25 seconds
>       - Query wall time: 42 seconds
> These performance gains combined with the cross-engine compatibility are a
> very compelling story.
> Initial Goals
> The initial goal will be to move the existing codebase to Apache and
> integrate with the Apache development process and infrastructure. A primary
> goal of incubation will be to grow and diversify the Iceberg community. We
> are well aware that the project community is largely comprised of
> individuals from a single company. We aim to change that during incubation.
> Current Status
> As previously mentioned, Iceberg is under active development at Netflix,
> and is being used in processing large volumes of data in Amazon EC2.
> Iceberg license documentation is already based on Apache guidelines for
> LICENSE and NOTICE content.
> Meritocracy
> We value meritocracy and we understand that it is the basis for an open
> community that encourages multiple companies and individuals to contribute
> and be invested in the project’s future. We will encourage and monitor
> participation and make sure to extend privileges and responsibilities to
> all contributors.
> Community
> Iceberg is currently being used by developers at Netflix and a growing
> number of users are actively using it in production environments. Iceberg
> has received contributions from developers working at Hortonworks, WeWork,
> and Palantir. By bringing Iceberg to Apache we aim to assure current and
> future contributors that the Iceberg community is meritocratic and open, in
> order to broaden and diversity the user and developer community.
> Core Developers
> Iceberg was initially developed at Netflix and is under active development.
> We believe Netflix will be of interest to a broad range of users and
> developers and that incubating the project at the ASF will help us build a
> diverse, sustainable community.
> Alignment
> Iceberg utilizes other Apache projects such as Avro, Hadoop, Hive, ORC,
> Parquet, Pig, and Spark. We anticipate integration with additional Apache
> projects as the Iceberg community and interest in the project grows.
> Known Risks Orphaned Products
> Netflix is committed to the future development of Iceberg and understands
> that graduation to a TLP, while preferable, is not the only positive
> outcome of incubation.
> Should the Iceberg project be accepted by the Incubator, the prospective
> PPMC would be willing to agree to a target incubation period of 2 years or
> less, knowing that every Incubator project incurs a certain cost in terms
> of ASF infrastructure and volunteer time.
> Inexperience with Open Source
> Three of the initial committers are Apache members and Incubator PMC
> members. They will work with the other community members to teach them the
> Apache Way.
> Homogenous Developers
> The majority of the committers work at Netflix, though we are committed to
> recruiting and developing additional committers from a wide spectrum of
> industries and backgrounds.
> Reliance on Salaried Developers
> It is expected that Iceberg development will occur on both salaried time
> and on volunteer time, after hours. Most of the initial committers are paid
> by Netflix to contribute to this project. However, they are all passionate
> about the project, and we are both confident and hopeful that the project
> will continue even if no salaried developers contribute to the project.
> Relationships with Other Apache Products
> As mentioned in the Rationale section, Iceberg utilizes a number of
> existing Apache projects (Avro, Hadoop, Hive, ORC, Parquet, Pig, & Spark),
> and we expect that list to expand as the community grows and diversifies.
> Any Apache project in the big data space that needs to store or process
> tabular data would be potentially relevant.
> An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand
> We are applying to the Incubator process because we think it is the next
> logical step for the Iceberg project after open-sourcing the code. This
> proposal is not for the purpose of generating publicity. Rather, we want to
> make sure to create a very inclusive and meritocratic community, outside
> the umbrella of a single company. Netflix has a long history of
> contributing to Apache projects and the Iceberg developers and contributors
> understand the implication of making it an Apache project.
> Required Resources Mailing lists
>    - d...@iceberg.incubator.apache.org
>    - comm...@iceberg.incubator.apache.org
>    - priv...@iceberg.incubator.apache.org
> The podling may also create a user mailing list, if needed.
> Source Control and Issue Tracking
> The Iceberg podling would use Apache’s gitbox integration to sync between
> github and Apache infrastructure. The podling would use github issues and
> pull requests for community engagement.
> Current Resources
>    - Initial source: https://github.com/Netflix/iceberg
>    - Java documentation:
> https://netflix.github.io/iceberg/current/javadoc/index.html?com/netflix/iceberg/package-summary.html
>    - Table specification:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q-zL5lSCle6NEEdyfiYsXYzX_Q8Qf0ctMyGBKslOswA/edit
> Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan
> The Iceberg source code in Github is currently licensed under Apache
> License v2.0 and the copyright is assigned to Netflix. If Iceberg becomes
> an Incubator project at the ASF, Netflix will transfer the source code and
> trademark ownership to the Apache Software Foundation via a Software Grant
> Agreement.
> External Dependencies
> External dependencies licensed under Apache License 2.0
>    - Guava https://github.com/google/guava
>    - Jackson https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-core
>    - Joda-Time http://www.joda.org/joda-time/
> External dependencies licensed under the MIT License
>    - SLF4J https://www.slf4j.org/
>    - Mockito https://github.com/mockito/mockito
> ASF Projects
>    - Apache Avro
>    - Apache Hadoop
>    - Apache Hive
>    - Apache ORC
>    - Apache Parquet
>    - Apache Pig
>    - Apache Spark
> Cryptography
> We do not expect Iceberg to be a controlled export item due to the use of
> encryption.
> Initial Committers and Affiliations
>    - Ryan Blue b...@apache.org (Netflix)
>    - Parth Brahmbhatt pa...@apache.org (Netflix)
>    - Julien Le Dem jul...@apache.org (WeWork)
>    - Owen O’Malley omal...@apache.org (Hortonworks)
>    - Daniel Weeks dwe...@apache.org (Netflix)
> Sponsors and Nominated Mentors
>    - Champion and mentor: Owen O’Malley omal...@apache.org
>    - Mentor: Ryan Blue b...@apache.org
>    - Mentor: Julien Le Dem jul...@apache.org
> Sponsoring Entity
> The Apache Incubator
> --
> Ryan Blue

Olivier Lamy
http://twitter.com/olamy | http://linkedin.com/in/olamy

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