+1 (non-binding)

On 8/26/18, 8:14 PM, "Mick Semb Wever" <m...@apache.org> wrote:

    After a brief discussion¹ I would like to call a VOTE to accept Zipkin into 
the Apache Incubator. 
    The full proposal is available on the wiki² and is pasted below in text 
form as well.
    This vote will run at least 72 hours. Please VOTE as follows:
    [ ] +1 Accept Zipkin into the Apache Incubator
    [ ] +0 No opinion
    [ ] -1 Do not accept Zipkin into the Apache Incubator because…
    [2] https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/ZipkinProposal
    = Abstract =
    Zipkin is a distributed tracing system. It helps gather timing data needed 
to troubleshoot latency problems in microservice architectures. It manages both 
the collection and lookup of this data. Zipkin’s design is based on the Google 
Dapper paper.
    = Proposal =
    Zipkin provides a defined data model and payload type for distributed trace 
data collection. It also provides an UI and http api for querying the data. Its 
server implements this api and includes abstractions for storage and transport 
of trace payloads. The combination of these parts avoid lock-in to a specific 
tracing backend. For example, Zipkin includes integration with different open 
source storage mechanisms like Apache Cassandra and Elasticsearch. It also 
includes bridges to convert collected data and forward it to service offerings 
such as Amazon X-Ray and Google Stackdriver. Ecosystem offering extend this 
portability further.
    While primarily focused on the system, Zipkin also includes tracing 
libraries which applications use to report timing information. Zipkin's core 
organization includes tracer libraries written in Java, Javascript, Go, PHP and 
Ruby. These libraries use the formats mentioned above to report data, as well 
"B3" which is a header format needed to send trace identifiers along with 
production requests. Many Zipkin libraries can also send data directly to other 
services such as Amazon X-Ray and Google Stackdriver, skipping any Zipkin 
infrastructure. There are also more Zipkin tracing libraries outside the core 
organization than inside it. This is due to the "OpenZipkin" culture of 
promoting ecosystem work.
    = Background =
    Zipkin began in 2012 at Twitter during a time they were investigating 
performance problems underlying the "fail whale" seen by users. The name Zipkin 
is from the Turkish word for harpoon: the harpoon that will kill the failures! 
Incidentally, Zipkin was not the first tracing system, it had roots in a former 
system at Twitter named BigBrotherBird. It is due to BigBrotherBird that the 
de-facto tracing headers we still use today include the prefix "X-B3".
    In 2015, a community of users noticed the project was not healthy in so far 
as it hadn't progressed and often didn't accept pull requests, and the 
Cassandra backend was stuck on an unmaintained library. For example, the Apache 
Incubator H-Trace project started in some ways as a reaction to the inability 
to customize the code. The root cause of this was Twitter moving to internal 
storage (Manhattan) and also the project not being managed as a product. By mid 
2015, the community regrouped as OpenZipkin and the codebase moved from Twitter 
to an org also named OpenZipkin. This led to fast progress on concerns 
including initially a server rewrite and Docker based deployment.
    In 2018, the second version of the data model completed, and along the way, 
many new libraries became standard, including javascript, golang and PHP. The 
community is dramatically larger than 2015, and Zipkin remains the most popular 
tracing system despite heavy competition.
    = Rationale =
    Zipkin is a de-facto distributed tracing system, which is more important as 
architectures become more fine grained due to popularity of microservice or 
even serverless architectures. Applications transition to use more complex 
communication including asynchronous code and service mesh, increasing the need 
for tools that visualize the behavior of requests as they map across an 
    Zipkin's server is focused only on distributed tracing. It is meant to be 
used alongside existing logging and metrics systems. Generally, the community 
optimizes brown field concerns such as interop over breaking changes such as 
experimental features. The combination of code and community make Zipkin a safe 
and easier choice for various sites to introduce or grow their observability 
    = Initial Goals =
    The initial goals are to mature OpenZipkin's community process. For 
example, while OpenZipkin has a good collaborative process, it lacks formality 
around project management functions defined in the Apache Software Foundation 
(ASF). We also seek out help with brand abuse which is becoming common practice 
in the competitive landscape, yet demotivates volunteers. Towards volunteers, 
help with on boarding summer of code and funding for those who cannot afford to 
get to conferences on their own would be nice. Finally, we occasionally have 
organizations who are constrained to only work with foundation projects: ASF is 
often mentioned, and being in the ASF removes this collaboration roadblock.
    Zipkin will not move all existing code into Apache. In fact, most Zipkin 
ecosystem exists outside our org! The goal is to start with the data formats 
and server code. Possibly the java client-side libraries can move initially as 
well, depending on community feedback.
    = Current Status =
    == Meritocracy ==
    Zipkin is an active community of contributors who are encouraged to become 
committers. A Zipkin committer understands the importance of seeking community 
feedback, and the gravity of brown field concerns. Committers express diverse 
interest by contributing beyond their sites immediate needs and acknowledging 
features require diverse need before being merged into the core repositories. A 
camaraderie between committers and not yet committers exists and is re-inforced 
with face to face meetups where possible. We expect this to continue and build 
with incubation and ideally acceptance into the Apache Software Foundation 
    Zipkin encourages involvement from its community members, and the issues 
are open and available to any developers who wish to contribute to the project. 
The Zipkin team currently seeks help and asks for suggestions utilizing 
zipkin-user and zipkin-dev Google groups and Gitter chat on 
https://gitter.im/openzipkin/zipkin. While all contributions are reviewed, 
generally a "rule of three" policy on diverse need must be met before a feature 
is considered standard.
    == Community ==
    Zipkin has a highly active and growing community of users and developers. 
The community is currently fostered on chat https://gitter.im/openzipkin/zipkin 
and issues in their respective GitHub repositories, notably the main server: 
    There are well over 1000 users in the chat room and hundreds who 
contributed code to code in the main OpenZipkin GitHub org. Interest metrics 
have grown dramatically: For example, in three years and a month from when 
Zipkin began until the time OpenZipkin formed, its main repository accumulated 
2400 GitHub stars. In the same time after, it accumulated over 6700. Other 
metrics such as blog count and community meetings have similarly gone way up. 
We expect further growth as more learn about Zipkin and can engage with Zipkin 
through the guidance of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF).
    == Core Developers ==
    The core contributors are a diverse group comprised of both unaffiliated 
developers and those hailing from small to large companies. They are scattered 
geographically, and some are highly experienced industry as well as open source 
developers. Though their backgrounds may be diverse, the contributors are 
united in their belief in community driven software development.
    More detailed information on the core developers and contributors in 
general can be found under the section on homogeneous developers.
    == Alignment ==
    Zipkin adoption is growing, and it is no longer feasible for it to remain 
as an isolated project. Apache is experienced in dealing with software that is 
very widely accepted and has a growing audience. The proposers believe that the 
Zipkin team can benefit from the ASF's experience and its broad array of users 
and developers.
    Zipkin supports several Apache projects and options exist for integration 
with others. Apache CXF, Apache Camel, Apache Incubator SkyWalking and Apache 
Incubator HTrace all utilize Zipkin APIs in their core repositories. Many more 
do via community extensions. Apache Maven is primarily use by Zipkin, and can 
be used by projects who build upon Zipkin projects.
    == Known Risks ==
    === Orphaned products ===
    Zipkin is already being utilized at multiple companies that are actively 
participating in improving the code. The thriving community centered around 
Zipkin has seen steady growth, and the project is gaining traction with 
developers. The risks of the code being abandoned are minimal.
    === Inexperience with Open Source ===
    Zipkin rebooted its community in July 2015 and grown there for over three 
years. Additionally, many of the committers have extensive experience with 
other open source projects. Zipkin fosters a collaborative and community-driven 
    In the interest of openly sharing technology and attracting more community 
members, several of our developers also regularly attend conferences in North 
America and Europe to give talks about Zipkin. Zipkin meetups are also planned 
every few months for developers and community members to come together in 
person and discuss ideas.
    === Homogenous Developers ===
    At the time of the writing, OpenZipkin's core 12 developers all work at 
different companies around the globe. Most operate their own tracing sites, but 
some no longer operate sites at all: staying for the community we've built. Our 
ASF champion, Mick Semb Wever, is both a committer and an experienced ASF 
    The Zipkin developers thrive upon the diversity of the community. The 
Zipkin gitter channel is always active, and the developers often collaborate on 
fixes and changes in the code. They are always happy to answer users' questions 
as well.
    Zipkin is interested in continuing to expand and strengthen its network of 
developers and community members through the ASF.
    === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
    Zipkin has one full time salaried developer, Adrian Cole. Though some of 
the developers are paid by their employer to contribute to Zipkin, many Zipkin 
developers contribute code and documentation on their own time and have done so 
for a lengthy period. Given the current stream of development requests and the 
committers' sense of ownership of the Zipkin code, this arrangement is expected 
to continue with Zipkin' induction into the ASF.
    === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
    Zipkin, Apache Incubator Skywalking and Apache Incubator HTrace address 
similiar use cases. Most similarities are between Zipkin and HTrace: Zipkin 
hopes to help serve the community formerly served by HTrace, but understands 
the data services focus of HTrace may require different tooling. SkyWalking 
addresses more feature surface than Zipkin. For example, metrics collection is 
not a goal of Zipkin, yet it is a goal of SkyWalking. SkyWalking accepts Zipkin 
formats and can be used as a replacement server. SkyWalking PPMC member, Sheng 
Wu, has been a routine member of Zipkin design discussions and has offered to 
help Zipkin through ASF process.
    While Zipkin does not directly rely upon any Apache project, zipkin 
supports several Apache projects. Apache CXF, Apache Camel, Apache Incubator 
SkyWalking, Apache Incubator Dubbo, Apache Incubator ServiceComb and Apache 
Incubator HTrace all utilize Zipkin APIs in their core repositories. Many more 
do via community extensions. Apache Maven is primarily use by Zipkin, and can 
be used by projects who build upon Zipkin projects.
    === A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
    Zipkin recognizes the fortitude of the Apache brand, but the motivation for 
becoming an Apache project is to strengthen and expand the Zipkin community and 
its user base. While the Zipkin community has seen steady growth over the past 
several years, association with the ASF is expected to expedite this pattern of 
growth. Development is expected to continue on Zipkin under the Apache license 
whether or not it is supported by the ASF.
    == Documentation ==
    The Zipkin project documentation is publicly available at the following 
      * https://zipkin.io: project overview
      * http://zipkin.io/zipkin-api/#/: swagger specification
      * https://github.com/openzipkin/b3-propagation: header formats
      * https://zipkin.io/zipkin/: Javadocs for the Zipkin server
    == Initial Source ==
    The initial source is located on GitHub in the following repositories:
      * git://github.com/OpenZipkin/zipkin.git
      * git://github.com/OpenZipkin/zipkin-dependencies.git
      * git://github.com/OpenZipkin/zipkin-api.git
      * git://github.com/OpenZipkin/b3-propagation.git
      * git://github.com/OpenZipkin/docker-zipkin.git
      * git://github.com/OpenZipkin/docker-zipkin-dependencies.git
      * git://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-reporter-java
      * git://github.com/openzipkin/brave
      * git://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-aws
      * git://github.com/openzipkin/docker-zipkin-aws
      * git://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-azure
      * git://github.com/openzipkin/docker-zipkin-azure
      * git://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-gcp
      * git://github.com/openzipkin/docker-zipkin-gcp
      * git://github.com/openzipkin/brave-cassandra
      * git://github.com/openzipkin/docker-jre-full
      * git://github.com/openzipkin/brave-karaf
    Depending on community progress, other repositories may be moved as well
    == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==
    Zipkin's initial source is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. 
    All source code is copyrighted to 'The OpenZipkin Authors', to which the 
existing core community(members list in Initial Committers) has the rights to 
re-assign to the ASF.
    == External Dependencies ==
    This is a listing of Maven coordinates for all of the external dependencies 
Zipkin uses. All of the dependencies are in Sonatype and their licenses should 
be accessible.
    == Cryptography ==
    Zipkin contains no cryptographic algorithms.
    = Required Resources =
    == Mailing Lists ==
      * Zipkin-dev: for development discussions
      * Zipkin-user: for community discussions
      * Zipkin-private: for PPMC discussions
      * Zipkin-commits: for code changes
    == Git Repositories ==
    The Zipkin team is experienced in git and requests to transfer GitHub 
repositories(list in Initial Source) to Apache.
    == Issue Tracking ==
    The community would like to continue using GitHub Issues.
    = Initial Committers =
      * Zoltán Nagy
      * Adrian Cole, Pivotal
      * Bas van Beek
      * Brian Devins
      * Eirik Sletteberg
      * Jeanneret Pierre-Hugues
      * Jordi Polo Carres
      * José Carlos Chávez
      * Kristof Adriaenssens
      * Lance Linder
      * Mick Semb Wever,
      * Tommy Ludwig
    = Champion =
     * Michael Semb Wever, m...@apache.org
    = Mentors =
     * Michael Semb Wever, m...@apache.org
     * Andriy Redko, r...@apache.org
     * John D. Ament, johndam...@apache.org
     * Willem Ning Jiang, ningji...@apache.org
    = Sponsoring Entity =
    We are requesting the Apache Incubator to sponsor this project.
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