On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 12:31 AM lewis john mcgibbney <lewi...@apache.org>

> Hi General@,
> What does a podling mentor team do in a situation where a retirement VOTE
> has been put to the podling community with no participation from the PPMC?
> PPMC VOTE's are binding. Are podling mentors considered in this same
> fashion?
> What happens if there are no VOTE's from the PPMC on a retirement VOTE?
> Thanks
> Lewis

Technically, the vote to retire a podling is a community vote.  Doesn't
mention PPMC, committers on the podling, etc [1].  The final decision on
retirement is the IPMC's call.  So I believe what you're doing presently is
correct, and it's OK if no PPMC members (though technically the mentors are
on the PPMC) vote.  It's probably a correct sign that retirement makes

One thing I get stuck on is when people do speak up, I tend to let it
linger too long.

[1]: https://incubator.apache.org/guides/retirement.html

> --
> http://home.apache.org/~lewismc/
> http://people.apache.org/keys/committer/lewismc

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