Jukka Zitting wrote on 9/26/17 10:23 AM:
> Let's start a VOTE tomorrow if nobody has big concerns or issued they'd
> want to clarify before the vote.
> The way I see it, the biggest items to look at during incubation is
> completing the transition from a Google-driven project to an independent,
> diverse community and doing a license review of the various dependencies
> PageSpeed has. I don't expect big issues with either, just noting that
> these will require some effort.
> There's also an existing PageSpeed trademark for  "computer programs for
> use in newspaper layout and composition", so we'll need to work with the
> branding team to figure out how much of an issue that is.
PAGESPEED is a registered trademark in the US:


Trademarks are about ensuring that new users aren't confused when
looking for a specific product - that is, when they search and review
websites, knowing only the name and what they want the product to do,
would the user likely be confused as to which PageSpeed is which?

In any case, we can worry (but not much) about details like that when
the time comes.  Thanks for noting the issue!


- Shane

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