
I've got some updates for the ip-clearance page and I'd like to publish them.

I started by fixing 
where the metadata <strong> is rendered as text. 

But git gives me an error. How do I fix this?



clr% git clone https://git.apache.org/incubator.git 
Cloning into 'incubator'...
[MacBook-Pro-3:~/apache/git] clr% ls
database-smith          infrastructure-puppet   whimsy-agenda
incubator               whimsy
[MacBook-Pro-3:~/apache/git] clr% ls incubator/
README.md                       incubator-site-groovy.iml
assets                          jbake.properties
bake.sh                         pages
build_site.sh                   templates
diff --git a/pages/guides/ip_clearance.ad b/pages/guides/ip_clearance.ad
index ff5b4ca..b5d56de 100644
--- a/pages/guides/ip_clearance.ad
+++ b/pages/guides/ip_clearance.ad
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ are all you need. The individuals must submit the 
'individual' CLA (ICLA).
 If there are employers involved who might claim
 rights in the code, then corporate CLAs (CCLAs) are needed for those employers.
-If, on the other hand, there are material contributors who are <strong>
-not</strong> joining the podling as initial contributors, or if there
+If, on the other hand, there are material contributors who are *not*
+joining the podling as initial contributors, or if there
 are additional corporate entities who can claim rights in the code,
 then SGAs are required from those individuals or corporations.
[MacBook-Pro-3:incubator/pages/guides] clr% git add ip_clearance.ad 
[MacBook-Pro-3:incubator/pages/guides] clr% git commit -m "fix strong metadata 
in ip-clearance"
[master 9cb3f1f] fix strong metadata in ip-clearance
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
[MacBook-Pro-3:incubator/pages/guides] clr% git push
error: Cannot access URL https://git.apache.org/incubator.git/, return code 22
fatal: git-http-push failed
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://git.apache.org/incubator.git'

Craig L Russell
Secretary, Apache Software Foundation
c...@apache.org http://db.apache.org/jdo

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